Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services (CFMWS): Offers a variety of programs and services specifically for military-connected children and youth. They are offered online, by phone, or in-person, so that every family member can have access to some support no matter where they live.
Military Family Services (MFS) Education Services: Works with government partners to advocate for policies that will help to mitigate the barriers families face as they move from one system to another. CAF families can access our education staff directly to receive coaching and pathway planning. Provides information to families through seminars and presentations on a variety of topics including but not limited to elementary, secondary, and post-secondary transitions. Provides education supports including the Support Our Troops (SOT) Tutoring Program.
Family Information Line (FIL): FIL is available to military families 24/7 (1-800-866-4546). Through FIL, CAF families can access a counsellor who will help guide them to the appropriate resources to meet their specific circumstances. FIL can help families assess and plan for emergencies. If families are in distress, FIL can offer immediate support. FIL can help families find Emergency Child Care, or introduce you to Support Our Troops for emergency financial assistance, a duty Padre, police or medical services.
Emergency Family Care Assistance (EFCA): CAF Families may be eligible to receive financial assistance to help offset costs associated with care of a family member. Families can contact FIL or their local MFRC for information on the EFCA.
Military Family Resource Centres (MFRCs): MFRCs are essentially the heart of their military communities. Dedicated staff are frontline service providers, responsible for connecting military families to a wide range of programs and services. Their goal is to build strong, resilient individuals, families and communities.
Family Care Plan: A Family Care Plan is a mandatory form (DND form 2886) that prepares families of CAF members to be taken care of in case of unforeseen events, emergency callouts and planned deployment. By identifying primary and secondary caregivers who should be contacted in the event of an emergency or military tasking, the Family Care Plan supports families when the primary caregiver is absent.
Kids Help Phone: Children, youth and young adults from military families can access free mental health and well-being support by texting the keyword CAFKIDS at 686868. The Crisis Text Line powered by Kids Help Phone is confidential and available day or night.
Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA)
Sun Life Chair in Adolescent Mental Health Evidence-based information on mental health issues impacting teens and personal stories.
eMentalHealth - Online directory of mental health services by region
HIGH FIVE® - Canada’s quality standard for children’s programs.
Canadian Centre for Child Protection - Access to specialized training to help individuals working with children increase their awareness about child sexual abuse and learn how they can help safeguard children. By actively engaging in such training opportunities, communities are empowered to contribute to a safer and more secure environment for all military-connected children and youth, fostering a protective and supportive atmosphere for military families.
Promoting Relationships and Eliminating Violence Network (PrevNet)Canada’s authority on research and resources for bullying prevention.
.Get Cyber Safe - Cyberbullying information
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Association of Canada
Operational Stress Injury Social Support (OSISS) Department of National Defence and Veterans Affairs Canada partnership to provide a confidential, national peer support network
Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research (CIMVHR)
CIMVHR’s Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health
Sesame Street for Military Families