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Canadian Armed Forces Relocation Program Overview

  • What CAF Members do ...
    • Review and register on BGRS Portal (Requires posting message to enter) 
    • Book a planning session  
    • Enter banking information  
    • Read the Relocation Directive  
    • Complete personalized tasks  
    • Request advance of funds and submit expense claims  
    • Request commercial travel  
    • Upload supporting documentation and receipts  
    • Select Third Party Service Providers directly  
    • Complete the Household Good & Effects forms and forward to Base Traffic  
    • Finalize their move file once settled at the new location
  • What BGRS does ...
    • Facilitate the relocation experience  
    • Clarify the process and the Relocation Directive  
    • Provide bilingual Agents to assist  
    • Help prioritize the relocation by generating personalized Tasks  
    • Estimate funds  
    • Create a Move Budget  
    • Advance funds once requested by the CAF Member  
    • Review expenses and receipts  
    • Facilitate travel through Global Business Travel  
    • Assist CAF Member with the completion of the Household Good & Effects forms including movement of Personal Motor Vehicle
  • The Move Timeline ...
    • Typically, the Change of Strength (COS) date is the first day of travel  
    • CAF Members coordinate the disposal and acquisition of their residence to coincide with the COS date in order to facilitate, as much as possible, a door-to-door move in accordance with the CAF Relocation Directive  
    • Generally, the Report for Duty (RFD) date is the first day the CAF Member reports to the new place of duty. As per the example below, the RFD date would be the day following the final travel day.  
    • CAF Members may request, through the CAF, an RFD 30 days before or after COS date
  • Access to Funding ...
    • CAF Members are to ensure their banking information is added in their profile on the Member Secure Website  
    • CAF Members must request an advance or make a claim through to receive funds  
    • Relocation funding is distributed to CAF Members through Electronic Funds Transfer  
    • CAF Members need to ensure that advance of funds are requested in anticipation of incurring the expenses  
    • Once an advance of funds is approved by BGRS, it takes approximately 7 days for the funds to be received in the CAF Member’s bank account

Frequently Asked Questions

  • When can Brookfield Global Relocation Services (BGRS) provide services?

    BGRS is authorized to provide services once all of the following steps have been completed:  

    • The CAF Member has received a posting/release message; and  
    • The CAF has provided BGRS with the authorization for the move; and  
    • The CAF Member has created an account with BGRS – (the posting message includes instructions on how to complete this step); and  
    • The CAF Member has completed the Preliminary Relocation Assessment  

    BGRS will provide services, via telephone or email, to CAF Members that are having difficulties registering or do not have internet access at their location.

  • Should I be keeping receipts for every expense I incur? 
    • A CAF Member must keep receipts for expenses they expect to claim during their relocation. All expenses are required to have a receipt attached in order to be submitted for reimbursement (as per article 2.9.04) unless the CAF Relocation Directive states receipts for a specific entitlement are unnecessary.  
    • CAF Members are able to upload receipts to their electronic file at anytime by scanning or taking a picture.  
    • The CAF Relocation Directive states that expenses such as meals and incidentals are a daily allowance and therefore no receipts are required to make a claim (as per article 3.1.01)  
    • Original receipts must be retained by CAF Members for a period prescribed by CRA guidelines.
  • Why is a property appraisal required?

    For homeowners, a property appraisal is required (as per article 8.2.04) to:  

    • Help establish market value; Facilitate disposal;  
    • Establish a home value for funding purposes; and  
    • Build a relocation budget  
    • Determine eligibility as Actively Marketed  
    • Definition: The principal residence listing price does not exceed the appraised value established in accordance with article 8.2.04 of the Canadian Forces Integrated Relocation Program  

    When multiple appraisals are obtained, the funding is calculated using an average of the appraised values (as per article 8.2.04)

  • How do I know if I am eligible for a House Hunting Trip (HHT) or Destination Inspection Trip (DIT)?  (as per Chapter 4 of the Relocation Directive)
    • CAF Member may be entitled to a HHT when they have not secured accommodation at the new place of duty  
    • A CAF Member may be entitled to a DIT when they have already secured accommodation, or officially contracted for the construction of a replacement residence  
    • CAF Members are entitled to either a HHT or DIT, not both  
    • The trip is to be taken after the official notification of posting and normally before the Change of Service (COS) date (as per article 4.1.01)  
    • The HHT/DIT Application Form (available on is to be completed, signed, and uploaded to to authenticate approval from the CAF to conduct the trip
  • Where do I find a list of Third Party Service Providers (TPSPs), if I have not yet received my posting message?
    • The list of participating TPSPs and their Service Level Agreements are only available as part of  
    • A CAF Member needs an active file, where they have completed the Preliminary Relocation Assessment (PRA), in order to access it.
  • My family member is a realtor. Can I use their services for my relocation?
    • All Third Party Service Providers (TPSPs) must be at arm’s length  
    • An arm’s length transaction is one that is consummated between two or more non-related parties as per Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) interpretation  
    • Related individuals include:  
      • Direct-line descendants, as well as spouse or common law partners, brothers, sisters, and in-laws; and non-immediate family members such as cousins, aunts, uncles, nephews and nieces  
      • Refer to Relocation Directive section 1.4 and articles 2.7.01 and 8.1.05 for additional information
  • Am I entitled to purchase or sell prior to my posting message being received?

    A CAF Member may claim benefits provided that the closing date of residence sold or purchased is no more than one year before or two years after the:  

    • Change of strength (COS) date; or  
    • The date of the shipment of Household Goods &Effects to the new place of duty; whichever is later  

    Refer to Relocation Directive 8.1.04 for additional information

  • Can I book my own flight?
    • As per article 3.3.05 of the CAF Relocation Directive, commercial travel bookings is booked by the contracted relocation service provider (Global Business Travel), unless local authority has certified that it was impossible to do so.  
    • All commercial travel bookings (flights, car rental and rail) must be requested online via the Member Secure Website  
  • Can I choose my own movers instead of having it booked through the Furniture & Effects Department?

    The shipment and storage of Household Goods &Effects (HG&E) is governed by the Household Goods and Removal Services (HGRS) contract (as per article 9.01)  

    • The CAF arranges and pays for the cost of packing, loading, insuring, shipping, storage in transit (SIT) (within limitations), unloading and unpacking of authorized HG&E  
    • Refer to Chapter 9 of the CAF Relocation Directive for additional information  
    • With BGRS’ assistance, CAF Members must complete the Movement of Household Goods form (available on, upload the completed form to the Member Secure Website and submit it to the Base Traffic/Furniture and Effects (F&E) Agent
  • How do I begin my child care search?
    Check out "Finding Quality Child Care - A Guide for Parents in Canada"
    This website provides information for parents in Canada looking for quality child care that’s affordable and meets the needs of their families.

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