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Support to Sports Participation Grant

The Support to Sports Participation Grant Program focuses on supporting local sports opportunities up to the national level and will include support to OUTCAN members.

Through participation and educational opportunities, this program will provide participants with the chance to achieve their maximum potential at the local, provincial or national level. The program is designed to support CAF members as athletes, coaches and officials.  

The grant seeks to relieve some of the financial pressures associated with participating in community sports and reduce barriers to encourage CAF members to participate in sports, at all levels. Financial assistance is provided from local CAF Sport Bases and Wings up to HQ, for applicants meeting the eligibility criteria  to support them in their sport endeavors. 

Program objectives

The program aims to support and increase sports participation, foster community integration, reduce barriers and relieve some of the financial pressures associated with participation and access to community.  

  • Empower CAF sports participants to maintain an active lifestyle to contribute to their overall health, wellness and operational readiness; 
  • Promote competitive/educational opportunities;
  • Support participants through their sport journey while contributing to CAF objectives and developing core military competencies that are critical and in the interest of the military service such leadership, teamwork, discipline and resilience;
  • Provide financial support to compete in sports or benefit from sport learning and educational opportunities;
  • Supporting diverse sport offerings (traditional and non-traditional sport).  


All applicants must:

  • Be a Canadian Armed Forces Regular or Reserve Forces member. 
  • Be supported and recognized ON DUTY to be eligible for the Support to Sports Participation Grant (ref DAOD 5045-1, Canadian Armed Forces Sports Program -
  • Have valid FORCE Test for the duration of the event.
  • Have NO history of disciplinary or misconduct within the CAF Sports Program.
  • Submit the application form 30 days prior to the event and complete the Support to Sports Participation Grant survey with photos no later than 30 days after the event.

*This program is meant to support sport participation performed in the interests of service. Any additional Temporary Duty requirements in accordance with CFTDTI / CBI 209.015 are a responsibility of the member’s CoC

What can the grant be used for?

The following is a list of examples, albeit not exhaustive, of the type of financial support that is available:

  • Competition entry fee / Course fee
  • Local support for local community league fees 
  • Transportation costs (airfare, gas, car rental) 
  • Accommodations 
  • Meal
  • Certification / Qualification / License 
  • Professional Development (Conference / Workshops)

The following is a list, albeit not exhaustive, of the type of financial support that is NOT available:

  • Equipment 
  • Clothing / Accessories
  • Unauthorized CAF Sport events as listed in DAOD 5045-1 CAF Sports Program
  • Support to Outreach events organized by the CAF such as Canadian Army Run, Navy Bike Ride and Royal Canadian Air Force Run

How will the grant be allocated / When to apply?

You should submit an application:

  • Once your participation in a sporting event/course is confirmed
  • Applicants must complete and submit the application form thirty (30) days in advance of their event
  • Applications can be submitted at any time between October 1, 2024 – March 7, 2025 inclusively

Financial Support

For this program, the CAF Sport HQ office will allocate funds to support CAF members in local sports opportunities up to the national level and will include support to OUTCAN (Europe and United States) member.

Local Bases and Wings Sport departments, Unit and Chain of Commands are encouraged to augment financial support of sport participation to CAF members with local public funds (over and above what is provided by CAF Sports HQ). 

Grant Funding LevelDistribution of funds
Grant Amount


Distributed via Regional Sport Managers (RSM) 

Recommend up to $300


Distributed via Regional Sport Managers (RSM) 

Recommend up to $500


Distributed via CAF Sport HQ office 

Recommend up to $500


Under Review / Request may be approved without funding


CAF Sports Regions (4) : Atlantic, Canada West, Ontario, Quebec 

Note: OUTCAN CAF members are encouraged to reach to their point of contact below (in contact section) 

What is the approval process for the Support to Sports Participation Grant Program?

Event Location

Step 1

Step 2  

Step 3

Step 4 (only applicable for International)


Applicants submit their application to their local CAF Sports Coordinator for review and consideration  

CAF Sports Coordinator seeks financial support from Regional Sports Manager 

CAF Sports Coordinator seeks approval from Unit Command Officer

No further steps needed after step 3. 


Applicants submit their application to their local CAF Sports Coordinator for review and consideration  

CAF Sports Coordinator seeks financial support from Regional Sports Manager

CAF Sports Coordinator seeks approval from Unit Command Officer

No further steps needed after step 3.


Applicants submit their application to their local CAF Sports Coordinator for review and consideration  

CAF Sports Coordinator seeks financial support from CAF Sports National Office 

CAF Sports Coordinator seeks approval from Unit Command Officer

No further steps needed after step 3.



Applicants submit their application to their local CAF Sports Coordinator for review and consideration  

CAF Sports Coordinator seeks approval for participation from CAF Sports National Office

CAF Sports Coordinator seeks approval from Unit Command Officer

CAF Sports Coordinator seeks approval from BCmd

Receiving your funding

  • Once your Support to Sports Participation Grant has been approved at the final stage (local, provincial, national), your confirmation email (with the signed copy of your request) will provide next steps for when you return from your event (if funding has been approved).  
  • In order to receive your grant, you will need to provide the following to your local CAF Sport Bases or Wing Coordinator to process your claim: 
    • Applicable travel/expense receipts;
    • Complete a short survey about the Support to Sports Participation Grant Program
    • A photo of you at the event as participating in the event


If you have any questions regarding this program or to learn more we invite you to contact your local CAF Sport Bases and Wings (B/W) Coordinator or regional sports managers:

General inquiries and suggestions about the program can be directed to Frank Boyer – CAF Sport Program & Project Coordinator (HQ)


Regional Sports Manager – Atlantic 

Ashley Stewart


Regional Sports Manager – Canada West

James Mackenzie

204-765-3000 ext 3316

Regional Sports Manager – Ontario

Rick Mckie 

613-687-5511 ext 7188

Regional Sports Manager – Quebec

Simon Gasse 

418-844-5000 ext 5223

Todd Cirka
Formation Europe 
Guy Boudrias