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We are currently not accepting any new applications for the time being. The waitlist is currently full and we hope to re-open for applications in Spring 2025. Thank you for your understanding.
Vacations for Vets is an initiative spearheaded by Shell Vacations Club, and the Wyndham Worldwide members, who graciously donate excess timeshare points as a way to thank whose who serve or have served our country. The program offers one week complimentary lodging to eligible serving and former members of the Canadian Armed Forces.
You must be a serving or former member of the Canadian Armed Forces who sustained an illness or injury attributable to military service in a Special Duty Area or Special Duty Operation, and you are receiving a Veterans Affairs Canada benefit for that illness or injury.
You are limited to one vacation every two years.
The online application form information will be used to refill both the regular and waitlist.
If you are a first-time user of the program, a Veterans Affairs Canada confirmation letter that confirms you are receiving a benefit must accompany your application. You can either submit your entitlement decision letter or contact Veterans Affairs Canada directly at their toll-free number 1-866-522-2122 (EN)/ 1-866-522-2022 (FR) for a confirmation letter which does not include any benefit details.
Once your application is approved, the Vacations for Vets program manager will let you know that your spot has been secured. If you are placed on the waitlist, you will also be told which spot you are, as applications are filed on a first-come first-serve basis. You will receive a follow-up email once your requested dates are less than 9 months away to confirm that the dates and locations from your original application are still relevant. Please feel free to make any changes at this time. Occupancy is based on availability and blackout dates. Providing a larger date range increases the chances of getting your first choice.
For other questions, refer to our FAQ or email us.
You can only stay at one resort location for the seven-day vacation.
Travelling companions may include your spouse, children, extended family members, and other dependents (up to a maximum of 8 people including yourself). Please note the maximum occupancy for each room/resort when requesting a location and the number of people you plan to bring with you.
Pets are not permitted on Shell Vacations Club properties. Service dogs are permitted, as long as the appropriate paperwork is brought with you.
You may book a longer vacation at your own expense, based upon Shell Vacations Club availability. If you desire to stay longer than the one complimentary week, please make a special note on your application form. All extra stays can be booked yourself through Wyndham Extra Holidays.
You are responsible for the cost of travel to and from Shell Vacations Club destinations, as well as meals, activities, taxes and security deposits. This program only covers the cost of lodging at the properties.
Hawaiian timeshare locations may have a timeshare tax per day, which is your responsibility.
If you have previously been on a vacation through this program and want to apply for another vacation, you will have to wait 2 years after vacation to reapply.
With the recent changes to the application process, if you are given one of the regular 52 spots but have to cancel and are unable to rebook for later in the year, you will be placed at the bottom of the waitlist. At the end of the year, those on the waitlist who have not received a spot are moved to the following year’s regular list.
Applications are now ONLY accepted through the online application form on the Support Our Troops website. If the link is no longer available on the site, this means the lists are full and the application period has closed.
Yes, we generally accept an additional 40‐50 applications to be put on the waitlist (the waitlist is also organized based on when applications are received.)
We understand that unforeseen things arise; therefore, you can cancel up to the day before travel. However, 2‐3 weeks’ notice would be preferred. If you are planning to rebook your vacation, the more advanced notice the better in order to ensure we can get you your choice.
Since Shell Vacations is responsible for all bookings, we are unable to see what resort is available and when. If you want a specific resort, your best option is to provide us with a date range as opposed to a specific week.
As long as the date is within the same calendar year, you have the ability to rebook. Since points are allocated per year (ie 2018), your spot has been allocated to that year, and therefore rebooking also needs to remain within that year.
Yes, if you want to change anything about your request please contact the program manager and they will make the adjustments for you. Please do not contact the hotel directly as they simply hold the booking for us. Please contact the program manager.
Yes, we do our best to accommodate all requests. However, if the change is requested closer to your travel date, there is no guarantee that the same resort or the new dates will be available.
Since bookings can only take place based on donated points from the various resorts, being able to provide a date range (i.e. Anytime between February 15 and April 15) as opposed to a specific week (January 5 – January 12) will give Shell Vacations a better chance of booking your first choice. However, there is still no guarantee you will be given your first choice.
Shell Vacations is only able to start bookings 9 months out from your requested dates (i.e. if you request to travel in February 2020, the request cannot be sent before June 2019). Once the dates are within the 9‐month window, the program manager will contact you again to re‐confirm the dates and locations you originally requested. This will limit the request for cancellations and rebookings.
For those travelling to Hawaii, there is a nightly tax rate that you are responsible for paying. Charges vary depending on unit size and resort. Relevant charge will be provided with your confirmation. You can also see them here (hyperlink to table)
For those travelling to Hawaii, there is a nightly tax rate that you are responsible for paying. Charges vary depending on unit size and resort. The relevant charge will be provided with your confirmation.
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