
Colonel C.J. Marchetti
PATRON View Bio2023 - PresentColonel C.J. Marchetti
PATRON“It is an absolute honour to take the helm of the CAF Running patronship. I have been an avid runner for most of my life and I am very much looking forward this unique opportunity to continue advancing the CAF Running Program and advocacy.
I am a very strong believer in the highly beneficial advantages of running and participating in sports, especially as it relates to improving our physical and mental health, as well as our resiliency. Outside of running, I have also been involved in other CAF sports such as basketball and soccer, hence I can speak firsthand about the importance of the CAF Sports Program. It allows us not only to stay fit and build strength, but also to develop our leadership skills, competitive edge, discipline and camaraderie; abilities and competences that are so very important for CAF members.
I was extremely pleased to see the recent release of the CAF Sports Strategy. For the first time, we have a strategic document recognizing the importance of sports in the CAF and providing guidance. I am looking forward meeting and working with athletes, coaches, trainers and PSP staff across the country to advance the CAF Running Program in the coming months.”PREVIOUS PATRONS 2011 - 2023 Lieutenant-General A.J.P Pelletier 2009 - 2010 Brigadier-General G.C.P. Matte Uknown - 2008 Major-General M.J. Wards -
Lieutenant Colonel J.A. Coffin
CHIEF OFFICIAL View Bio2021 - presentLieutenant Colonel J.A. Coffin
CHIEF OFFICIALLCol Coffin is an avid runner and competitor. He has competed in several CAF National Running Championships and most recently qualified for the Boston Marathon. As a commanding officer he is well versed in balancing the needs of his troops with the needs of his organization. In addition to his professional acumen, he balances his personal time with family and sport – which tend to be mutually inclusive. Leading by example, LCol Coffin devotes much time to his health and fitness, primarily focusing on running. LCol Coffin continually seeks opportunities for growth and has been the OPI for large scale events and is now the CAF Running Chief Official.
PREVIOUS CHIEF OFFICIALS 2013 - 2020 Chief Warrant Officer J.G.C. Faucher 2005 - 2011 Lieutenant-Commander W. Percey Unknown - 2004 Mr. D. Hartnett -
Lieutenant-Navy M. Bergeron
CISM HEAD COACH View Bio2023 - PresentLt(N) Michael Bergeron is a passionate runner, coach, and volunteer. He began his running journey at CFB Borden replacing his father in a race at his interunit challenge when he was just 13 years old and has been inspired by the sport ever since.Lieutenant-Navy M. Bergeron
Lt(N) Bergeron joined the Canadian Armed Forces in 2006. On completion of his initial trade training, he started his Naval Warfare Officer career on the East Coast sailing on a Frigate, deploying on Op NANOOK, Op ARTEMIS, Op REASSURANCE and two Op REGULUS. He is currently posted at HMCS QUEEN CHARLOTTE in Prince Edward Island as the Executive Officer.
Lt(N) Bergeron’s interest in running led him to join the Cross Country and Track & Field team of the University of Ottawa in 2007. He then went on to be the assistant team manager of the well-known Ottawa Lions Club. Moving around has allowed Lt(N) Bergeron to have many opportunities to be involved in the sport of running in many different provinces throughout Canada. He has served on both the Run Nova Scotia Board as well as on the PEI Road Runners board, holding many positions from Communication Director, Race Coordinator, and finally President. He started coaching in 2017 with the famous Halifax Road Hammers sharing his passion with runners of all levels. He then became interested in completing his National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) qualification which he has continued to work towards after moving to Prince Edward Island in 2019.
As a runner, Lt(N) Bergeron has competed on multiple occasions at CAF Running Nationals, CISM World Championships, and CISM Running Team events since 2016. He is also well-known for sharing his passion for running with his juggling fans and hold two Guinness World Records for running and juggling.
To learn more about the CAF CISM Running program by joining us on Facebook CISM Canada Running Team or email [email protected] -
Major M. Mueller
CISM TEAM MANAGER View BioMajor M. Mueller
Mike first got involved in sports at the very early age by running timed laps around the house and downhill ski racing by the time he was 4. During his grade school years, he mostly participated in team sports, but was always interested in running although interestingly enough, he was terrible at it. With a bit of practice and running back-and forth to his friends’ homes he was regularly running 10-20km each day. Out of curiosity and some pure pressure, Mike signed up for an Olympic triathlon as his first endurance race. “After that I was hooked on pushing myself to become a better athlete.” It took him 13 tries before he learned how to run a sub 3hr marathon, something which he now finds easy.
Sports hold a special place in Mike’s heart. His dedication to sport has “given me my dream life. I met the woman of my dreams who I have now been married to for 20 years and we travel the world on epic endurance running adventures together. I am a member of the CAF, work with amazing people and get to represent my country at international running events.”
With over 30 years of experience Mike has many sports achievement; from competing in Ironman and Olympics distance triathlons, to racing in 100 marathons; to racing in several CISM world championships including the CISM World Military Games in Korea; to his new passion of ultra-trail running marathons with his PB of 263km. As the CAF CISM Running Team Manager we are excited to see what adventures lie ahead for the team.
For more information on the CISM Running Program follow us on Facebook CISM Canada Running Team or email Maj Mueller.