PSP Prenatal and Postpartum Program (PNP3)

CAF participants and referring agents within the Canadian Forces Health Services (CFHS) can have confidence the following elements are included within every PNP3:
Support for the accumulation of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity each week
Attaining a threshold of 150 minutes of physical activity each week has been evidenced to provide clinically meaningful benefits and reductions in pregnancy and postpartum related complications.
Physical training program with special considerations for prenatal and postpartum populations
PNP3 will incorporate a variety of aerobic and resistance training activities to achieve greater health benefits. Support to start and continue pelvic floor and core reconnection training will be provided.
Parallel services between PSP and CFHS
PNP3 has implemented tailored intake assessments and monitoring procedures with approved tools and resources to aid in the identification of participants who may require additional support services through CFHS.
Authorized and facilitated access to CAF fitness and sports facilities for CAF members and their child/children
To support reducing barriers to PNP3 participation, CAF members will be supported to access programming with their minor child or children (up to 18 months within the program). Local policies may allow older children to accompany their participating parent.
Ongoing education and knowledge translation
Online education modules targeted for CAF members to increase knowledge on topics such as maternal sleep, exercise during pregnancy and postpartum, nutrition considerations for prenatal, postpartum and breastfeeding, psychological well-being, as examples (future and upcoming).
Social and community support
PNP3 participants can expect more than an exercise program from PNP3. Social connection and shared experiences will be supported to create a support network.
Continuing education for PSP employees
Increased knowledge in the areas of exercise prescription and physical training for prenatal and postpartum populations.