Only CF One members get exclusive discounts and savings, earn rewards, and access personalized financial, fitness and wellness programs exclusive to the military community.
Military Benefits (Department of National Defence) Includes links to Know your Benefits Compensation and Benefits Instruction (CBI), Leave Policy Manual, Relocation, Health and Dental Benefits, Death, Disability & Injury Benefits, Severance & Gratuities, Pensions, and Temporary Duty Travel Instructions.
This directive contains information regarding the benefits and applicable funding available to relocate CAF members, their dependants (if applicable) and their household goods and effects.
The Canadian Forces Housing Differential (CFHD) policy is a sophisticated approach (inclusive of GBA+ analysis) with the goal of assisting CAF members in adjusting to housing costs in different locations within Canada.
Personal circumstances may arise that temporarily limit a CAF member's deployability or ability to perform duties. In these circumstances, the CAF member may be given special consideration in the form of compassionate status, with or without a compassionate posting.
The intent of the allowances and benefits under the Military Foreign Service Instructions is to recognize and to facilitate a member's service outside Canada and to ensure that, as much as possible, members should be neither better nor worse off than their counterparts serving in Canada.
Sets out the relocation benefits and expenses applicable for a move to an IPR on:
release from the Regular Force;
transfer from the Regular Force to the Reserve Force; or
a member being deceased, officially reported missing, becoming a prisoner of war, being interned or detained by a foreign power, or declared mentally incapacitated.
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