Become a CF One Member

CF One applications are being processed in the order they are received. Please expect a longer than usual processing time. Thank you for your patience.Discover the benefits

Discover your CANEX CF One Rewards benefits
Shop CANEX to benefit from exclusive savings and discounts on gear, housewares and services for the whole family, plus earn points on every dollar with CANEX CF One Rewards. Find out if you’re eligible for no-interest credit!

Shop deals near you with CF One Member Appreciation
Explore discounts on travel, hotels, gear, even goods and services for your home. Check out hundreds of Canadian partners and retailers offering discounts exclusively to CF One cardholders.

CANEX CF One No Interest Credit Plan
Your CF One Card is your exclusive, members’ only access to the CANEX CF One No Interest Credit Plan*! Shop at any CANEX store or on and break down the cost of your purchase into manageable automatic payments over 12, 24, or 26 months, OAC*.
*Conditions apply
Find out if you’re eligible for the CANEX No Interest Credit Plan
*Conditions apply

PSP Plan - Sports, Fitness and Recreation
It's more than gym memberships, we offer quality recreational programming and activities like family skates and swims.
Join the PSP Plan

SISIP Financial
Take advantage of confidential and tailored financial advice, insurance plans and investments.
* Exclusive for CAF Members, Veterans and their families.
Take command of your finances
* Exclusive for CAF Members, Veterans and their families.

Canadian Defence Community Banking
Enjoy FREE banking with BMO, Student Line of Credit, BMO employee pricing on mortgage options and more.
Sign-up today!

Financial Services for the Extended Defence Team
We are expanding our products and services to all CF One members including RCMP, Coast Guard, DND, Staff of the Non-Public Funds, Canadian Forces.
Check out our expanded offerings

Support Our Troops
Get financial support and assistance through grants and low-interest loans, including: national summer camps program, scholarships, support for families with special needs children, and more!
Find out more

The Personal Insurance
Get exclusive group rates and customized coverage on home and auto insurance.
Get a quote today!