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5 - 7 July 2024, Gatineau/Ottawa


24th CISM World Military Triathlon Championship, 5 May-9 May 2023, Brive La Gaillarde, France
Training Camp: Winter 2024


  • Major-General S.Y. Menard

    Major-General S.Y. Menard

    PATRON View Bio
    Major-General S.Y. Menard
    2021 - present

    Major-General S.Y. Menard

    “The recent pandemic highlighted, once again, the significance of the mantra “sound mind in a sound body”.  Everyone has had to adapt their lifestyle due to several restrictions in order to retain some sort of balance, well-being and sanity to develop and maintain the required resilience and stamina to make it through.

    Sports and fitness have always been important pillars of military life and absolute requisites for effective operations.  For many citizens, military or not, physical wellness has been elevated lately to one of the most important dimensions of the five wellness dimensions as it directly and positively affects our emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual wellness.  This is not to say that achieving these wellness dimensions is impossible without being physically fit, but it is understood to be much easier to do so. 

    I congratulate athletes of all calibers, from recreational to professional, who managed to adapt and overcome the daily obstacles to train at a level of fitness commensurate with their situation.

    As the CAF Triathlon Patron, I am amazed, extremely proud of and inspired by the remarkable athletes who practice triathlon and consistently push their limits in a particularly demanding discipline.

    Whether or not you are competing at a high level or against the daily detractors to fitness, I invite you to persevere and to seek improvement in your fitness level so that you may reach your personal fitness challenges.  As we say, “life is a marathon and not a sprint!” And one thing is for sure, your body is what will get you there!
    Good luck to all who embark on this fitness journey!  Have a great and active life!

    Mens sana in corpore sano”
    2019 - 2020 Brigadier-General J.R.L. Guillette
    2017 - 2019  Major-General J.H.C. Drouin
    2010 - 2016 Lieutenant-General M.J. Hood                                                                           
    2009  Major-General  S.A. Beare
  • MWO Christopher MacIntyre

    MWO Christopher MacIntyre

    MWO Christopher MacIntyre
    2024 - present

    MWO Christopher MacIntyre


    Master Warrant Officer Christopher (Chris) MacIntyre has indeed had a remarkable journey within the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), embodying a commitment to excellence both in military service and sports. His story is one of evolution and dedication, shaping his role as a leader and influencer in CAF sports and triathlon officiating.

    Chris's entry into CAF Sports during his time with the 2nd Battalion Royal Canadian Regiment highlights his willingness to explore new athletic avenues beyond his initial passion for hockey. Venturing into biathlon and subsequently triathlon showcased his determination to embrace challenges and excel in multiple disciplines.

    The influence of key figures like Michael Gallagher and running coach Richard "Dick" Hartnett played a crucial role in Chris's athletic development, demonstrating the impact of mentorship and guidance within the sports community. His transition from athlete to race director after being posted to CFB Greenwood underscores his adaptability and leadership skills, managing events with the same passion he once competed with.

    As an official, Chris's involvement in numerous prestigious events, including CAF Triathlon Nationals, three CISM Triathlon Events, and international elite championships like the World Triathlon Championship Series and ITU World Championship Series, showcases his expertise and contribution to the global triathlon community. His commitment to inclusivity, particularly in para-triathlon competitions, reflects a deep understanding of the transformative power of sports.

    Beyond triathlon, Chris's participation in various national-level competitions across different sports highlights his versatility and dedication to maintaining peak physical condition—an ethos deeply rooted in his background as a former Search and Rescue Technician.

    Chris MacIntyre's journey exemplifies the values of resilience, perseverance, and excellence cherished within the CAF. His multifaceted role as a leader, competitor, organizer, and official underscores his enduring commitment to fostering a culture of fitness and sportsmanship within the military and broader athletic community.

    2021, 2023 Warrant Officer E.S. Fellows
    2016 - 2020, 2022 Master Warrant Officer C.R. MacIntyre
    2014 - 2015  Master Warrant Officer J. Hebert         
    2009 - 2013 Warrant Officer B. Costello
  • Major D. Simpkin

    Major D. Simpkin

    CISM HEAD COACH (Short Course) View Bio
    Major D. Simpkin

    Major D. Simpkin

    CISM HEAD COACH (Short Course)
    Dave graduated from the University of Dalhousie with a degree in science (major in mathematics) and joined the CAF in January 2000. He has been involved in sports for his entire life and has played competitive soccer, hockey, basketball, TaeKwon Do and baseball at the provincial and national levels. He also has experience coaching baseball, hockey, swimming and the CMR St-Jean running team.

    A former CISM basketball player from 2002-2010, Dave needed a challenge after retiring from the sport. While he did not know how to swim, he decided to try his hand at triathlon. After a year of consistent training and hard work in the pool, he took the last spot on the CAF CISM team in 2012. Each year since, Dave has committed to making the team better and has competed with the CAF CISM triathlon team at Military World Championships in the USA, Germany, Sweden and at two Military World Games (Korea and China). He is very proud to have helped some of his CAF teammates land on the podium and has brought home two gold medals and one bronze medal from CISM competitions.

    “I am eager to take on the new challenge of coaching the CAF CISM triathlon team (short distance), growing the program and continuing to land CAF triathletes on the podium”

    To find out more about the CISM Triathlon program or to join the CAF Triathlon community follow Facebook CF Triathlon.


    CISM HEAD COACH (Long Course) View Bio


    CISM HEAD COACH (Long Course)
  • Lieutenant-Colonel E. Travis

    Lieutenant-Colonel E. Travis

    Lieutenant-Colonel E. Travis
    2015 - present

    Lieutenant-Colonel E. Travis

    LCol Eric Travis joined the military in 1990 and from the onset of his career, was an advocate for the benefits of sport/fitness to the military lifestyle. During his time at RMC, he maintained the “450 club” status of physical excellence for all 4 years and was a key member of the Varsity Gymnastics Display Team, performing recruiting shows all around Ontario and at the ½ time show of the Grey cup game, . Graduating in 1994 with a Mechanical Engineering degree, he started his career as an Aerospace Engineering Officer in the RCAF. LCol Travis returned to the college in 2000 to complete a Master’s degree in Non-destructive Testing, and during this time, he decided to try something different and swam with the Varsity Swim Team.

    LCol Travis’ interest in the sport of triathlon was sparked as a boy but it was not until 2002 that he committed himself seriously to the sport. Since then, he has competed in countless CAF National Championships in the sports of swimming, running, and triathlon, a few CAF regional championships in other sports, several CISM World Championships and two Military World Games as a triathlete.

    LCol Travis became the CISM Triathlon Team Manager in 2015 and transitioned into long course triathlon racing (Ironman 70.3 & Ironman distances) where he has competed and podiumed in a number of Ironman 70.3 races and has participated in 3 World Championships (1 ITU long course, 1 x IM70.3 World Championship, and 1x IM World Championship Kona). 

    LCol Travis understands the stresses that military life can bring and knows that regular participation in sport and fitness activities improves not only our physical health, but significantly improves our abilities to cope with those mental and emotional stresses as well. The family of athletes in the military community also offer a support network like no other and he has identified that as a driving force for his to the military and one of the reasons for the longevity of his career. A senior Officer with significant work commitments and family responsibilities (a son of 12); LCol Travis still makes the time to train extensively each week and is a strong believer in work/life balance. His experience and commitment to the sport of triathlon make him the perfect fit for the CAF CISM Triathlon Team Manager.

    For more information on the CAF CISM Triathlon program follow them on Facebook CF Triathlon or CAF HP Long Course Triathlon Team.