Men's Hockey

Major-General J.E.S. Boucher
PATRON View Bio2023 - presentMajor-General J.E.S. Boucher
PATRON“Like many CAF members, sports has played an important role in my life since a young age. Many of my best memories are associated with a hockey rink, baseball field, soccer field, teammates and coaches over the years. Through sports, I learned the importance of hard work and dedication as well as the 5Ps (proper preparation prevents poor performance). I learned the importance of mastering the fundamentals, the power of learning through experience and that “the day we stop trying to get better is the day we stop being good”. Most importantly, I learned that the difference between good and great teams is discipline and cohesion and this comes through ensuring all members of the team clearly understand their role and feel valued. In sports, leaders don’t have ranks and I have tried to apply this in my career by letting people at all levels lead in their area of expertise.
Being the CAF Hockey Patron is a true privilege. The hockey rink is my happy place and I know it is for many of you. For others, it is other sports of hobbies and that is fine. Being active in what we enjoy is part of all of us being healthy physically and mentally and l look forward to supporting sports at all levels in the CAF so people get to practice the sports they love and build friendships and memories that will last a lifetime."
PREVIOUS PATRONS 2019 - 2022 Vice-Admiral J.R. Aucherlonie 2014 - 2018 Rear-Admiral J.P.G. Couturier 2011 - 2013 Major-General S.P. Noonan 2007 - 2010 Colonel D. Cooper Uknown - 2006 Lieutenant-General J.H.P.M. Caron -
CO-PATRON View Bio2023 - Present“I really enjoy hockey, and like any other hockey fan, it is a passion of mine. Playing, officiating, coaching or simply watching hockey are the top of my favourite things to do. Numerous Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) personnel have been engaged in various sports since their youth or adopt a sport when joining the CAF. At a young age, I learned that team sports are collaborative effort, we are all a part of the solution and, understanding that, contributes to the team’s success. Self-discipline and commitment make up the foundation that contributes to a unified, respectful, and successful team. Everyone is a leader in their own way. The value of teamwork, leadership, and continuous learning is important and can be applied to all we do. The “New CAF Sports Strategy – A Game Changer”, Teamwork, Leadership, Esprit de Corps and Fitness are key skills for players, coaches, and officials along with all CAF members. Continuing to be physically active is essential in maintaining our mental, social, and physical well-being.CHIEF PETTY OFFICER 1ST CLASS L. Laurendeau
It is an honour and privilege to be selected as the Co-Patron for CAF Hockey. I will endeavor to advocate for, promote, and develop the CAF Sports Program. Being at the rink, meeting with new people and remaining active in hockey is exciting and I sincerely look forward to sharing in your experiences throughout your hockey journey.
As our season at the rink approaches lets all keep our sticks on the ice, support one another and “Break Away”!” -
Master Corporal S. Wannamaker
CHIEF OFFICIAL View Bio2022 - presentMCpl Wannamaker is an enthusiastic official who brings 30 years of officiating experience to the arena. He is a current Level V whose officiating journey began at the age of 13, refereeing weekly old timer’s games with his father. The following year he registered as a new official with the Ontario Minor Hockey Association and in 2001 was hired by the Ontario Hockey Association to officiate Junior and University hockey where he worked numerous Provincial Junior Hockey League, Ontario Junior Hockey League and Ontario University Athletics playoff games. He was also selected to referee for the Carr-Harris Cup on multiple occasions; Canada’s oldest hockey rivalry between Queens University and the Royal Military College as well as the 3 Royal Military College versus West Point Academy Challenge Cup games.Master Corporal S. Wannamaker
Equally skilled off ice as he is on, MCpl Wannamaker is a former supervisor and instructor at the CAF Ontario Region Referee School, mentor and key player in the implementation of CAF National Hockey Referee Jerseys. “I am looking forward to working with all of our hockey officials across the CAF, both on and off the ice, and continuing to develop and grow the Officiating Program for the benefit all hockey participants.”
Continually seeking opportunities to grow, MCpl Wannamaker is working toward a B.Sc in Sports Management-Sports Administration. When he’s not in the arena you’ll find him hitting the links with his wife and 3 children.
PREVIOUS CHIEF OFFICIALS 2020 - 2022 Master Warrant Officer J.S. Petitpas 2015 - 2019 Chief Petty Officier 2nd Class Y. Ouellet 2015 Mr. S. Rainville 2014 Mr. T. Sharpe 2008 - 2013 Major R. Stakes Unknown - 2007 Warrant Officier D. Moriarty