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Naval Tactical Operations Group

Naval Tactical Operations Group (NTOG) is a unit within the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) that specializes in Maritime Interdiction Operations (MIO) and Force Protection. NTOG’s primary roles include, intercepting suspect vessels in order to prevent the movement of illicit cargo and contraband at sea (MIO), and protecting naval vessels, maritime infrastructure and personnel. 

For additional information regarding the maritime tactical operator occupation, please contact [email protected].

Maritime Tactical Operator (MTO) SelectioPhysical Fitness Evaluation (PFE)

Throughout the evaluation, the candidate wears a 14 kg weighted vest.
The MTO Selection PFE has two (2) components: 

Component 1: Pre-fatigue  

  1. The pre-fatigue component consists of performing eight (8) seconds of flexed-arm hang followed immediately by eight (8) seconds of dead hang”.

Component 2: Timed FORCE circuit 

  1. The timed FORCE circuit is completed as quickly as possible and consists of the same four (4) tasks as the FORCE Evaluation, in the same order, performed as a continuous circuit with minor modification for the Intermittent Loaded Shuttle (ILS) task.

    1. 20 meters rushes (20mR)

    2. Sandbag Lifts (SBL)

    3. Intermittent Loaded Shuttle (ILS) performed carrying two (2) sandbags – one (1) in each hand.

    4. Sandbag Drag (SBD).

There is no rest period in between the two (2) components.

If you have any questions or feedback about the information and resources shared on this page, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]