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Storybooks for Military Children

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Military life comes with unique challenges for our families. For instance, serving members are often called away for extended lengths of time for military operations. In D is for Deployment the main character, Emma, unpacks difficult emotions and helps the reader understand that tackling the deployment cycle together can help a family deepen their bond.

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Nick’s concerns and reactions to his mother as she prepares to go away for an extended time is similar to the realities that children from military and public safety personnel (PSP) families face when they are separated from their parents or caregivers for training or deployment.

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This book serves as both a mirror and a beacon for young children, reflecting their realities while guiding them through a roller coaster of emotions that comes with their journey in a military family. This beautifully illustrated, colourful, ABC's book provides an opportunity for the youngest military children to see their own families and emotions reflected in children's literature.

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Listen to Canadian Astronaut Chris Hadfield read the book

This book covers a difficult but necessary topic for those who fight for our freedom, and for the families that keep the home fires burning. Wounded armed forces members coming home to a family with children has been, and continues to be difficult, but books like this can make it easier for families to better navigate a difficult path to healing. 

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Joey's Mom is Going Away supports children who are separated from a parent. Using text, illustrations and activities the story takes children into Joey the beaver’s world as he copes with his mother’s absence.

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My Mom is a Soldier for parents and educators of military children ages 4 to 8 years is intended to educate and support children during the often emotional and stressful posting season.

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  • D is for Deployment
    Book cover
    Military life comes with unique challenges for our families. For instance, serving members are often called away for extended lengths of time for military operations. In D is for Deployment the main character, Emma, unpacks difficult emotions and helps the reader understand that tackling the deployment cycle together can help a family deepen their bond.

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  • My Colourful Kite
    Nick’s concerns and reactions to his mother as she prepares to go away for an extended time is similar to the realities that children from military and public safety personnel (PSP) families face when they are separated from their parents or caregivers for training or deployment.

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  • Our Alphabet Roller Coaster

    This book serves as both a mirror and a beacon for young children, reflecting their realities while guiding them through a roller coaster of emotions that comes with their journey in a military family. This beautifully illustrated, colourful, ABC's book provides an opportunity for the youngest military children to see their own families and emotions reflected in children's literature.

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    Listen to Canadian Astronaut Chris Hadfield read the book

  • And so, things have been a bit different
    This book covers a difficult but necessary topic for those who fight for our freedom, and for the families that keep the home fires burning. Wounded armed forces members coming home to a family with children has been, and continues to be difficult, but books like this can make it easier for families to better navigate a difficult path to healing. 

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  • Joey's Mom is Going Away
    Page couverture du livre
    Joey's Mom is Going Away supports children who are separated from a parent. Using text, illustrations and activities the story takes children into Joey the beaver’s world as he copes with his mother’s absence.

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  • My Mom is a Soldier
    Book cover
    My Mom is a Soldier for parents and educators of military children ages 4 to 8 years is intended to educate and support children during the often emotional and stressful posting season.

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