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Clearance Diver

clearance diver in water
Clearance Divers are highly trained Diving and Explosive Ordnance Disposal specialists whose capabilities are applied at home and abroad in support of Mine Countermeasures Operations, Explosive Ordnance Disposal, Improvised Explosive Device Disposal, Battle Damage Repair, and Force Protection.

For additional information regarding the clearance diver occupation, please contact [email protected].

Clearance Diver (CL DVR) Selection Physical Fitness Evaluation (PFE)

The CL DVR Selection PFE has two (2) components: 

Component 1: Land

  1. A 5 km Ruck March;
  2. A slightly modified FORCE circuit. The FORCE circuit is completed as fast as possible and consists of similar events to the four (4) tasks of the FORCE Evaluation and are completed in the same order, without the rest periods in between tasks; 
    1. 20 meters rushes (20mR)
    2. Sandbag Lifts (SBL)
    3. Intermittent Loaded Shuttle (ILS)
    4. Sandbag Drag (SBD)
  3. As many repetitions as possible without pause of deadlifts completed with a 75 kg barbell.

The three (3) parts of the land component are separated by two (2) 5 min rest periods in between them.  

Component 2: Water

  1. Treading water for up to 02:30 mm:ss with hands out of the water; 
  2. Swimming 500 m swim using a sidestroke technique as fast as possible. 

The two (2) parts of the water component are separated by a 2 min rest periods in between them.

If you have any questions or feedback about the information and resources shared on this page, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]