Schools at a glance
Provincially funded schools for children
- English public schools (with French Immersion, Integrated French, Intensive French and Core French options)
- Francophone public schools (if your child meets the criteria)
- Online school
- Home education
Private schools are also an option.
Age groups
- Primary (Kindergarten) to Grade 3 – Early Elementary
- Grades 4 to 8 – Elementary
- Grades 9 to 12 – High School
Grade groupings within schools vary from community to community.
Special Education Support
Schools follow a program planning process, which is a team approach. Schools establish Student Planning Teams (SPTs) as needed, to support the identified learning strengths of individual students. The SPT reviews the programming and documentation from previous schools/districts. The student (if appropriate) and the parents/guardians are valued members of the SPT and will be supported and involved in decisions around additional programming and/or supports for the student.
Families also have access to Parent Navigators, who build strong relationships with community agencies throughout the various regions, and support families with the available tools and resources. These contacts can be found on the websites of each Regional Centre for Education/School Board.
Ease your transition from another province or school board by having the right documentation on hand.
- Have professional assessments/diagnoses documentation ready
- Include information on how the diagnosis directly affects your child’s learning
- Provide your child’s existing Individual Education Plan (IEP), Individual Program Plan (IPP), or Individual Learning Plan (ILP)
- Share past report cards and samples of school work
See the School Transition Portfolio in the MFS Education Resource Guide for more helpful information.
High School Graduation Requirements
Secondary School in Nova Scotia includes grade 10, 11 and 12. Students complete provincial exams for Level 10 (Grade 10) English and Math. These exams will make up 20% of their grade in these courses.
Read about the high school graduation requirements in Nova Scotia depending on your pathway.
Virtual Learning Supports
Nova Scotia offers resources and ideas to support Reading and Writing, Math, French through tips and activities suggestions through the Parent/Family Information page.
Discover more learning supports in the MFS Education Resource Guide.