Only CF One members get exclusive discounts and savings, earn rewards, and access personalized financial, fitness and wellness programs exclusive to the military community.
Many resources are available for CAF members, Veterans, and their families depending upon your specific needs. Mental health resources are divided into categories for children and youth, adult family members and/or Veterans. If you would prefer to speak with someone directly for inquiries of other types of resources available to you, please call the Family Information Line or connect with your local Military Family Resource Centre (MFRC) in your community.
Military Family ResourceCentres (MFRCs) provide support to all CAF families including those who have a loved one who has been injured or becomes ill while serving. MFRC services include:
Support for children, parents and spouses of the ill or injured member;
Accessible emergency accommodations for the ill or injured member and the family;
Access to childcare during recuperation to prevent and alleviate stress;
Assistance navigating through relevant programs and services;
Aid in development of positive coping strategies;
Foster family peer support groups/networks;
Referrals to mental health services;
Access to community-based education and prevention programs; and supports and services.
Veteran Family Program Coordinator – Military Family Resource Centre
Integrated within the MFRC, the Veteran Family Program Coordinator provides support services to medically released Veterans and their families to ease the transition to civilian life. Services include enhanced information and referral services, transition programs; and access to intervention support.
Family Information Line
By calling the 24/7 Family Information Line (FIL) you will be connected to friendly, bilingual, experienced counsellors who are well-versed on CAF communities and programs and services.
Crisis and Referral Centre line (1-800-268-7708). A 24-hour toll-free help line that can provide Veterans and their families with short-term professional counselling and referral services, including support for mental and emotional health concerns;
Wellness Kit series of mental health fact sheets
Information on PTSD, including PTSD and the Family for Parents with Young Children, PTSD and War Related Stress, learn about PTSD and Understanding PTSD Treatment; and
Fact sheets on depression, anxiety and more.
Canadian Forces Member Assistance Program
The Canadian Forces Member Assistance Program (CFMAP) is a voluntary and confidential counselling service providing short term counselling services (maximum of eight sessions). The service, available free of charge 24/7, can be accessed by still-serving medically releasing members and their families by calling 1-800-268-7708.
Chaplains - Spiritual and Religious Well-Being
As trained religious and spiritual caregivers, CAF chaplains are on-call 24/7 to support members in need and provide support and advice to the chain of command and care providers. If you are still-serving, medically releasing member, or family member searching for a chaplain in your area, contact your local MFRC.
Compensation and Benefits
Support Our Troops (SOT) is an official charity of His Majesty in right of Canada for the Canadian Armed Forces community; managed and operated by Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services. It was established to meet the unique needs and special challenges faced by members of the Canadian Armed Forces community as a result of military service. It provides a platform to allow a range of supporters to show their care, compassion and support to serving members, veterans and their families.
The Mind's the Matter
Military Family Services and the Royal Ottawa Health Care Group are proud to introduce "The Mind's the Matter" - a web-based, interactive video for CF families who may be living with someone who has an Operational Stress Injury (OSI).
This initiative is a first-of-its-kind tool for Canadian Forces families. It provides real life solutions for spouses and teens coping with a difficult situation.
Children and Youth
Rainbows for All Children Canada is the largest not-for-profit organization in Canada helping children grieve and grow after loss. If your child is suffering the effects of divorce, separation or death in the family, they may be confused and angry, or revealing their pain by acting out in inappropriate behaviour or withdrawing in unhealthy ways. Rainbows for All Children Canada offers a proactive solution to this dilemma. Find out more about Rainbows through your local Military Family Resource Centre, or by calling Rainbows at 1-877-403-2733.
Program availability at MFRCs may vary by location.
The Mind's the Matter
Military Family Services and the Royal Ottawa Health Care Group are proud to introduce "The Mind's the Matter" - a web-based, interactive video for CF families who may be living with someone who has an Operational Stress Injury (OSI).
This initiative is a first-of-its-kind tool for Canadian Forces families. It provides real life solutions for spouses and teens coping with a difficult situation.
MindKit is a place for youth – like you! – to explore things related to mental health. It was created especially for and by young Family members of Canadian Veterans living with a posttraumatic stress injury (PTSI).
Personnel Support Programs
Personnel Support Programs (PSP) offers high quality, innovative recreation programs in each CAF community to provide families, individuals, children and communities with quality leisure experiences, innovative programming and recreational facilities that meet their needs. Over 500 different types of recreation, leisure and sports activities are offered. PSP Recreation Departments are registered HIGH FIVE organizations with comprehensive quality standards for children’s sport and recreation, built on five principles of healthy child development.
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