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military fitness

Dear Community, 

Starting March 31st, 2024, this platform will be turned off.  

The back-end provider of the platform is transitioning to a new system and cannot be transferred to it. We are working diligently to bring you a new and improved experience. Stay tuned for updates on our progress! 

We encourage you to visit CAF Fitness for any fitness products you may need to continue your active lifestyle.  Coach Saul is waiting for you! You will find: 

  • Live virtual fitness classes, 
  • A library of tailored fitness supports 
  • And much more.  

Your local PSP teams can also be used as a resource for your fitness needs and questions.  

Thank you for being part of the community. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we embark on this journey to improve our product.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team at support [email protected].