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While April is the month of the military child, the daily experiences of military-connected children are shaping their lives and those are the lives of our future leaders. Recognizing their struggles and celebrating their strengths, is so powerful and will empower them on their journeys. These beautifully determined, open-hearted, and open-minded children and youth deserve our recognition and commendation today and every day.
Share your pride
The resilience of a military child is one the most important pillars that connect many military families together. Ranging from infants to adults, children of military members have developed a unique ability to adapt through a multitude of transitions that most families do not experience. The numerous moves from homes, countries, schools; living through absences and being far away from their loved ones; and having to make sense of the big decisions that military families often face can easily be overlooked.
This month, MFS-NCR invites parents and caregivers to celebrate children by highlighting how they journey through the ups and downs of being a part of a military family. MFS NCR has created a template to guide you through a mindful activity in celebration of military child(ren)!
Parents and caregivers can choose to use the template to share their pride by:
Please note that the template uses Canva, an online 3rd party tool. You will be asked to create a free account if you do not have one already. Instructions for adding photo and text are included in the template.
The experiences, adventures, heartaches, and challenges that our military-connected children face every day are diverse and impactful. So often we hear of the resilience of our military families, Resilience isn't just something that is standard issue "kit" given to families when their CAF member joins the Forces. Building resilience, as it would turn out, is both a challenge and a blessing of life as a child in a military family.
The official flower of the military child is the dandelion
Its seeds are blown far and wide by the wind but it will always plant roots and blossom wherever it lands.
It can grow and bloom anywhere. It symbolizes strength, perseverance, hope
The colour teal was chosen because it incorporates all branches of the Military (Blue for Air Force, Green for Army and Blue/White for Navy).
Supporting families as they relocate to or from the NCR.
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