Representational Expenses
How are Representational Expenses funded / where does the money come from?
Representational Expenses are not funded by a grant but rather they provide the authority for COs to spend local B/W/U funds for representational purposes.
How do we apply for Representational Expenses?
You do not apply for Representational Expenses. It is an approval to expend a designated amount of Base/Wing/Unit funds for representational purposes. If there is insufficient Base/Wing/Unit funds, there cannot be representational expenses.
What is the purpose of representational expenses?
As per the CDS Delegation of Authorities for Financial Administration of Non-Public Property and the PSP Policy Manual, COs are authorized to use local Base/Wing/Unit funds to represent the department, the command or the Base/Wing/Unit when the expenditure does not qualify for reimbursement from public funds.
What are examples of allowable representational expenses?
Allowable representational expenses include (not an exhaustive list):
a. Costs associated with infrequent/impromptu meetings/visits with/of Municipal, Provincial and Federal representatives in regard to Morale and Welfare programs;
b. Support/enhancement to change of Command ceremonies when public support is not provided;
c. Expenditure to respect tradition and protocol or change of command of individuals who do not meet the rank eligibility for public hospitality support;
d. Support for ceremonies associated with the appointment/end of tenure of Honorary Colonels but does not include travel costs;
e. Costs associated with hosting foreign forces not covered by the Public;
f. Hospitality including the provision of mementoes of a minor nature to respect traditions and protocols;
g. Costs associated with hosting visitors not covered by Public hospitality;
h. Attendance by Senior Base representatives at local community events; and
i. Commander’s coins for officers of the rank of LCol/Cdr and above holding command positions and Command Chief coins for CPO1/CWOs holding command positions. Note: this is a temporary approval to bridge the gap in the public fund policy, as per the CDS memo dated 19 January, 2022.
j. The provision of alcohol is acceptable but should only be provided where protocol dictates with following the guidelines detailed in the PSP Policy Manual, Part 9-2 (Provision, Serving and Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages). -
What are examples of non-allowable expenses?
Non-allowable expenses include (not an exhaustive list):
a. Costs associated with Branch head meetings and luncheons;
b. Support normally covered by the Public hospitality; and
c. Provision of in Memoriam gifts, flowers to hospitalized members, or retirement or departure gift unless equitable criteria have been established for all members of the base. -
If a Base Commander attends an all ranks mess dinner, is their meal chargeable against the CO’s Representational expense?
No. If the Base Commander is attending an All Ranks dinner on their home Base, they are not representing the Base/Command to an outside party, they are attending a Mess Dinner the same as all the attendees. Therefore, this would not constitute a representational expense.
Can NPP be used for CAF members, defence team members and civilians/guests to attend Change of Command Receptions?
No. Change of Command ceremonies are a public responsibility. However, NPP can be used to enhance the ceremony and such expenditures would be charged to Representational expenses.
What are the applicable references?
The PSP Policy Manual provides details on representational expenses. Annually, the Managing Director NPP authorizes the financial limits via a CANFORGEN.
Can I increase the amount available for Representational Expenses?
Units are expected to operate within authorized ceilings however, Commanders of Commands may authorize an increase up to $500 CAD above the original amount authorized for any specific location when justified. The CEO CFMWS may authorize up to $2000 CAD, in representational expenses that arise from unique or unforeseen circumstances.
Can the B/W/U Commander share their Representational Expenses?
Yes, the B/W/U Commander can authorize the use of their allotted representational expense amount for other units under their command but the total amount spent on representational expenses cannot exceed the original amount authorized.
If you have access to the SMA Grant, can you also have Representational Expenses?
No, if you are in receipt of the SMA Grant, you cannot also have access to representational expenses.