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A posting to SHAPE is a rewarding experience. Although there are less than 100 Canadian families in SHAPE, we are a thriving community with events and activities planned year-round for all age groups. Living and working in a NATO environment allows interaction with many other nations, giving you opportunities to learn about their countries and cultures.
MFS(E) Casteau is dedicated to offering the highest quality of support to individuals, families and the community. We respond to the unique needs of the Canadian Armed Forces families and members posted to SHAPE with togetherness, openness, and respect. The centre at Casteau has many amenities and programs to assist you during your time here.  MFS(E) is here to help you every step of the way.

Orientation sessions are scheduled in the Fall to facilitate newcomers' integration. They are managed by one of the Community Service Providers. Different topics are presented: European cleaning products, home guidelines, and hospital guidelines and orientation.

Canada is only one of 29 nations represented at SHAPE. The Canadian community at SHAPE is well respected and contributes to the community in a number of ways including organizing the annual Terry Fox Run and supporting the Make a Wish Foundation in Belgium. Canadians are encouraged to participate and volunteer in the many activities as a positive way to meet the rest of the SHAPE community.

If you're looking for the location of - or directions to - Mons, SHAPE or the MFS(E) centre, then reach out to our team.



All Canadians at SHAPE live "on the economy" in the surrounding villages and towns. Shopping is also on the economy, but all Canadians have access to a tax/duty free store at SHAPE and to the US shopping facilities (AAFES (must be military to order online), Commissary) at Chièvres Air Base located about 20 km from SHAPE. 


Within SHAPE itself, there are several dining, entertainment and hobby facilities, including the SHAPE Club, Pizza Bowl, Rendez-vous, Performing Arts Centre, Cinema, Teen (Youth) Centre, Arts & Crafts Centre and various Community Clubs, etc.

Mons may not be the size of Brussels, but it still has a lot to offer in the way of evening entertainment. As the location for two of Belgium’s Universities, and a year-round business destination, the area has no shortage of good places to eat and drink. For a detailed listing of restaurants in Belgium, click here.