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Health Services for Military Families


Medical care in Belgium is of high quality, similar or exactly to what is provided in Canada. Most of your medical needs can be satisfied in the SHAPE clinic, staffed by a Canadian physician and a PA. When using services on the economy you should be aware that  Europeans are less concerned than Canadians about personal privacy and modesty. When attending a Belgian facility for an examination or a test, you may wish to pick up a gown at the SHAPE Healthcare Facility before your visit.

Everyone arriving at SHAPE must possess an up-to-date record of immunisations. Present all your international vaccination certificates at the time of immunisation. If you receive a short-notice posting, it is possible to receive vaccinations at SHAPE.

All patients who require admission to hospital will be referred to Belgian health care facilities. This medical care is of a very high standard, but support services are not what you would expect from a Canadian hospital. They may charge you for an advance payment. If the amount is high, you can contact the orderly room so they can advance you the money. Bring along your own pyjamas, slippers, house coat, thermometer, towels, Kleenex, toilet paper and personal articles, drinking water and cellphone/mobile. All hospital stays will be closely monitored by the Canadian Doctor and PA. Please do not bring personal valuables.



The Canadian doctor’s office is available Monday through Friday by appointment. Please note that there is no “sick parade” or appointments on Thursdays morning due to training. Other hours are by appointment only unless it is an emergency. For a regular appointment with the Canadian doctor, you can call 065.44.5959.

Regardless of what hospital you use, SHAPE Patient Liaison are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The liaison speaks both French and English and will be able to assist you with appointments or questions. Please note, the liaison may not offer medical advice.

French is the working language in hospitals in the Mons area. Please contact the Canadian Health clinic for assistance.



Crutches, wheelchairs and other medical equipment can be signed out for military members and their dependents at SHAPE Healthcare Facility when required. However, this is not the case for a visitor. For further information, contact the Canadian PA.



Most medications prescribed by your physician are also free of charge from the SHF pharmacy. If the medication or equivalent product cannot be provided by the SHF pharmacy, it must be purchased on the economy at the patient’s expense. Military members will be reimbursed by DND. Dependants may claim through PSHCP. Note that if you see a Belgian doctor, you can only take your prescription to a Belgian pharmacist.

Visit  to find the pharmacies around your house or to locate the pharmacy on duty during the night/weekend/holidays.



 There is a Canadian dentist and dental assistant on the international dental staff. Regular check-ups and dental treatments are available and free to the military and family members



Optometry: Appointments can be made for eye tests through central bookings at 065.44.5886 or 5860. Glasses are not available from the optometry clinic at the SHF. Military personnel should contact the Canadian Physician’s Assistant (PA) for detailed procedures on how to proceed. Civilians and dependents send claims to PSHCP.