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Second Language Training

Bonjour !

Begin your language journey today, to boost your skills and broaden your opportunities. Our language programs can help you:  

  • integrate into your new community 

  • add a new language skill to your resume  

  • prepare for a posting outside of Canada

Interested in learning English or French?


Language Research Development Group (LRDG) second language training for English and French is available for Self-Directed Learning. The LRDG is a comprehensive online learning curriculum consisting of 16 modules that are aligned with the Government of Canada A, B, and C linguistic levels. Accessible as a Self-Directed Learning Program, LRDG is tailored to help you achieve your language learning goals effectively.


  • Priority is reserved for CAF family members. Where capacity exists, other CFOne card holders can register.


CAF family members can register for the online learning program in two ways:

  • If you have a CFOne card, fill out the LRDG Registration form through CFOne (you will be required to sign in to your CFOne account).

  • If you do not have a CFOne card, contact your local MFRC.


  • Other CFOne card holders can register for the online learning program by filling out the LRDG Registration form through CFOne (you will be required to sign in to your CFOne account).

Moving to a community where the local language is other than English or French?


Rosetta Stone Language Learning Program makes learning a new language easy with core lessons that cover reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills, grammar, and vocabulary. With instant pronunciation feedback, you can speak confidently. Learn on-the-go with the app on your phone or tablet and fit learning into your schedule easily.


  • Rosetta Stone Bronze Catalyst is available to CAF family members moving to a community where the local language is other than English or French.


  • Contact your local Military Family Resource Centre (MFRC)

Looking for supplemental resources specific to the Comox Valley?

Fill out the form below and a member of the CMFRC team will be in touch with you.

Interested in Second Language Training?

Fill out the form below and our Second Language Training Coordinator will be in touch with you.

The Comox Military Family Resource Centre respectfully acknowledges that we are standing on the Unceded traditional territory of the K’ómoks First Nation.