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Out-Service Application

The process for CAF Members to apply for funding for sport activities that are not part of the CAF Sports Program is known as an Out-Service Request.

Members can get local, provincial, national or international competitions/events partially funded by completing this request form and by following the guidelines below:

LOCAL COMPETITIONS: Members are to fill out the request form and submit request to local PSP FS&R Manager.

PROVINCIAL COMPETITIONS: Members are to fill out the request form and get their unit CO to sign form before submitting request to local PSP FS&R Manager, FS&R Manager then submits the request to the Regional CAF Sports Manager where funding decision is made. 

NATIONAL COMPETITIONS: Members are to fill out the request form and get their unit CO to sign form before submitting request to local PSP FS&R Manager, FS&R Manager then submits the request to CAF Sports HQ where funding decision is made. 

INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIONS: Members are to fill out the request form and get their unit CO to sign form before submitting request to local PSP FS&R Manager, FS&R Manager then submits the request to the CAF Sports HQ where funding decision is made.