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Comox has access to some of North America’s prime cruising grounds. Locally, an easy day sail is possible to Sandy Island Provincial Park (Jáji7em and Kw'ulh Marine Park). Longer trips can lead to exploring Desolation Sound and it’s many warm anchorages or the Gulf Islands with it’s many cultural attractions and craft breweries.

19WCYC members have access to three keelboats: two day sailers and one cruising keelboat. All are available for rentals at a modest cost. 

Member Rental Rates - Effective 1 March 2025

Pacific Green (35' Beneteau) (Inboard Diesel)
Day Sailers (27' Aloha & Martin 242)$300/season$300/seasonn/a


  • Member responsible for refilling fuel.
  • Pacific Green includes use of RIB and outboard.
  • Day sailers include use of hardshell dinghy.
  • Members of the Day Sailers Club are expected to volunteer (maintenance, cleaning, scheduling, etc.) to make it affordable and sustainable.

Interested in renting keelboats? 

  1. Create your sailing résumé.
  2. Review and sign-off on the keelboat policy.
  3. Attend a dockside refresher or check-out. 
  4. Register for training.
  5. Reserve your dates.

Are you an experienced sailor wishing to rent a keelboat?