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Community Feedback - Petawawa Military Family Resource Centre

The Petawawa Military Family Resource Centre is always looking for comments and suggestions from our families to help us to create exceptional programs and services that meet your needs, and to help you to be more resilient.

In fulfilling our mission, the PMFRC always strives to provide its programs, services and activities in a way that respects the dignity and pride of people with disabilities. We are committed to giving people with disabilities the same opportunity to access our programs, services and activities, and allowing them to benefit from the same services, in the same place and in a similar way as other users of the organization.
We acknowledge there is a wide range of abilities and disabilities with regards to an individual’s mental, physical and/or emotional capacities and these can vary over time; we value any feedback on how expectations are being met, as well additional feedback on how we can improve our practices.
If clients wish to submit their comments in an alternate way, please call 613-687-1641 or send us an email to make arrangements for accessible formats or communication supports.

Please complete the form below:

Please note that this form is available for feedback relating specifically to the Petawawa Military Family Resource Centre, if your feedback relates to a different organization, please contact that organization directly.

I would like someone from the PMFRC to follow-up with me about my comment.
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Board of Directors

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