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Adult and Parenting

MFS-NCR recognizes that all families are unique in makeup and experience. Many adults experiencing the military family journey may not be aware that we do have adult-centric programs and services. 


Are you looking for opportunities to connect with other adults who are part of the CAF community? Our programs and resources for adults are focused on offering opportunities for connection, personal growth, and community building! 


MFS-NCR can support you in exploring our programs and services, and those accessible in the community where you live.  Whether you are looking for social opportunities or structured resources and support, we are here to assist in finding a place to start based on your individual journey. As the NCR does not have a traditional “central location” where all families live, we are one resource you can tap into through your efforts to connect with peers who share an understanding of the military family experience.  


We offer a variety of programs like ChitChatChillax – a casual meet-up hosted in various locations, as well as a hybrid approach to workshops in parenting and personal growth (i.e., Personality Dimensions). Additionally, we offer navigational support to programs and services across the NCR that suit your needs and interests!