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Uplands Community Council (UCC)

The purpose of Uplands Community Council is:
 a. To provide the community with a committee for planning and conducting activities of interest to the residents of the community;
 b. To facilitate the organizing and fostering of projects to meet the
 needs of the community;
 c. To promote and/or support new committees, clubs, and interest groups as community needs or interests arise;
 d. To provide a forum and action group to enhance the life of the community;
 e. To provide a channel of communication through the Mayor to the Base Commander (CFB O-G) and Housing Organizations;
 f. To assist in recruiting volunteer leaders and workers as required by the various community activities and services;
 g. To allow residents of the community to have a voice in the development of community plans; and
 h. To provide a means of supporting participation in community activities for all residents.
Our Vision

To instill confidence into the Uplands Community families’ (CFHA & PSP MH) by giving them a voice to the Commander of the base.
Our Mission

A Community Council shall exist for all residents living on the former Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Uplands, now known as “Canadian Forces Base (Ottawa-Gatineau) – Uplands Site.”  Residency on the Uplands Site is divided between members residing in PSP Military Housing (PSP MH) units and Canadian Forces Housing Agency (CFHA) units.