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These roles serve to involve the community and build skills in a number of different ways. Each of the executive roles serves to increase the leadership and administrative functions, varying by role. 

The executive members are:

a. Mayor;

b. Deputy Mayor;

c. Secretary;

d. Housing and Facilities Representative;

e. Treasurer; and

f. Community Relations Rep.

a. Mayor

The Mayor steers the ship. In times where not all the roles are filled, the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor will be doing the work in lieu. The Mayor chairs the meeting and sets the agenda - albeit, anyone - from members of the community, to Ex-Officios, to UCC members - can add agenda items, so long as they notify the Mayor or the Secretary a few days before the meeting. In extraordinary circumstances, the Mayor can rally the community by taking initiatives to do whatever is needed. At the same time, the Mayor should be looking out for the welfare of the community as a whole. The Mayor position is the only role that is appointed by the Commander and is always a military member.  

b. Deputy Mayor

The Deputy-Mayor role serves to act in the stead of the Mayor when they aren't around, much in the same way as the 2IC does. The Deputy Mayor works closely with the Mayor to enact initiatives and Programs in the community. 

c. Secretary

This role focuses on presentation, layout and keeping good notes. It should be noted that audio recordings, so long as one announces it at the beginning of the meeting, are also a viable solution to acting as an aide-memoire for the Secretary. This is an essential position.  Minutes help keep the Base Commander informed of what issues are important.

d. Housing and Facilities Representative

The Housing and Facilities rep works with CFHA and PSP MH. Their role is to bridge any gaps between those organizations and the community, via social media and other mechanisms like 

e. Treasurer

The Treasurer is a position that, while the UCC falls under PSP Recreation for funding, we need someone to keep us in check for what we are spending and how much for what.  You'd be expected to come and participate in budget meetings twice a year and otherwise, help out with event-planning when it comes to figuring out how much it's going to cost.

f. Community Relations Rep

The Community Relations Rep is a position that works with the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor, and partner organizations like PSP Recreation to create and act on initiatives for the community. They can utilize marketing skills, like conducting surveys to assess the community's wants and desires, and to bring new programs, initiatives out via social media and other mechanisms. More than that though, when PSP Rec and other organized events come to the UCC for advertising, it's the Community Relations Rep who will be spreading the word. They can amplify the event as well by taking photos at the event.

Ward Councillors/ Members at Large 

Members at large are otherwise known as Ward Councilors, and serve to vote on issues of import during meetings. We need people who care about the community, but do not wish to take on the extra responsibilities of the executive. According to the UCC Constitution, PSP MH members should make up no more than 6 members, and 5 members from CFHA. Oftentimes, Ward Councillors help out with community events and pitch ideas to improve the community.