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The Mainland BC Military Family Resource Centre Society is a registered charitable organization (138724430RR0001), providing resources and services to military families throughout BC since 2003. Our MFRC is governed by a board of directors, at least 51% of which must be military family members.

Membership in the Mainland BC Military Family Resource Centre Society

The resources and services of the Mainland BC MFRC are available to military and medically released veteran families regardless of membership.  However, if you would like to have a voice in the governance of your MFRC (hold office or vote at general meetings), we invite you to become a member. 

Members must be 18 years of age or older; live/work in the Mainland BC MFRC catchment area; and be part of a military or veteran family, or be approved as an associate member. Memberships may be renewed on annual basis. Membership Aplication Form may be submitted online, or printed and returned by mail to: Memberships, 1755 W 1st Ave, Vancouver BC V6J 0G7.

For more information, please contact Tracy Cromwell by emailing

Privacy Policy

The MFRC recognizes and respects clients’ right to privacy, pursuant to the Personal Information Protection Policy and in compliance with Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA), which outlines the principles and practices the MFRC will follow in protecting personal information. The MFRC’s privacy commitment includes ensuring the accuracy, confidentiality, and security of our clients’ personal information, and allowing clients to request access to, and correction of, their personal information.


We are a registered charitable organziation and, as such, we gratefully and graciously rely on community, individual, and government donations in order to provide the services and resources that we do for our military and Veteran families. 

Support families by providing resources and services that address needs unique to military life. 
  • Our Mission

    Support families by providing resources and services that address needs unique to military life. 



Major General B.M. Hoffmeister Building:
1755 West 1st Avenue Suite 142
Vancouver, BC  V6J 0G7