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PSP Services

PSP-UK programs are developed and funded by the UK Fund Committee. In pursuing our mission to enhance morale, esprit de corps and unit cohesion by “serving those who serve”, PSP-UK in conjunction with the European Fund presents the following programs:

  • Subsidized PSP-UK Trips
  • PSP Chalet Program (European Fund)
  • Funds and Subsidies
    • UK Fund Committee
    • UK Fund Cultural Enhancement
    • UK Fund Travel Assistance Rebate
  • PSP Sports Equipment Sign-out Program
  • Force Evaluation
  • Duty Free Retail Store


Subsidized up to 50% by the UK Fund, trips are offered each year for example, World War I/II Battlefield Tours.

Enjoy an opportunity to travel and explore with your fellow Canadians. It’s an excellent opportunity to catch up with old acquaintances and meet some new faces.


The UK Fund Committee

The UK Fund strives to offer the best programs possible to Canadian Forces personnel living in the United Kingdom. The Committee is by the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, the NCM representative, Navy / Army / Air Force representatives, and one additional rep from the CF community. The PSP-UK Coordinator presents to the committee and sits as a non-voting ex-officio. The PSP-UK trips and rebates are examples of the committee’s dedication to programming. 

UK Fund Constitution

Please take note: All Rebate submissions must be received no later than 28 February and two weeks prior to your Out Clearance to be eligible for reimbursement. 

Cultural Enhancement Fund

The Cultural Enhancement Fund (CEF) is a rebate intended to partially offset the cost of activities and to encourage members and their families to enjoy the opportunities available during their posting to the UK. The Committee sets the amount of the rebate at the beginning of each fiscal year. To obtain your Cultural Enhancement Rebate, please

read, complete, and sign the CEF rebate form. Attach scanned receipts or tickets and email to:

PSP UK Coordinator: Nicole Rogerson [email protected]

UK Fund Travel Assistance Program

The UK Fund Travel Assistance Program acknowledges the additional costs associated with travelling to join a PSP-UK organized trip, or to attend a UK Fund sponsored event.

To obtain you Travel Assistance rebate, please read, complete, and sign the Travel Assistance Program form. Attach scanned receipts or ticket and send to PSP Coordinator within two weeks from the date of event:

PSP UK Coordinator: Nicole Rogerson
[email protected]


PSP-UK has purchased new sports equipment which is sure to be a hit at your next BBQ, picnic, or event. Don’t rent your clubs and rackets when you can sign them out for FREE!

For example, Mens and Ladies Golf clubs- Left and Right Hand, Tennis and Squash Racquets, Volleyball with Net, Croquet, Badminton, Bocce Balls, Croquet Sets, Soccer Balls and Field Markers, Softball Equipment and Bases, Floor Hockey, Tug-of-War Rope, Hand-held GPS, Walking Trail Books, Jump Ropes


Canadian Armed Forces personnel are required to meet physical fitness standards every year. It is extremely important not to let your FORCE status expire!

Our fitness staff from Niederheid, Germany, travel three times a year to the UK to ensure personnel have the opportunity to maintain their physical fitness standards. An email invite will be sent out to book your session when required.