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Contact Our UK Team

  • Eric MacKenzie

    Eric MacKenzie

    Community Services Manager View Bio
    Eric MacKenzie

    Eric MacKenzie

    Community Services Manager
    +44 189 561 3040

    Eric oversees the day to day operations and administration of MFS(E) in the UK. He is always available to meet with community members concerning their needs and suggestions for improved program and service offerings. He works closely with the Community Service Providers to provide valuable services to the families. Eric also provides referral facilitation and confidential communications with the MFS(E) Family Separation and Reunion Coordinator and/or Social Worker. 

  • Khrystele Lacoste

    Khrystele Lacoste

    Community Services Provider View Bio
    Khrystele Lacoste

    Khrystele Lacoste

    Community Services Provider

    [email protected]

    Khrystele is readily available to provide information related to ongoing virtual programs and services as she facilitates a number of virtual sessions. She oversees the communication efforts and can support the promotion of your community projects and events. Khrystele participates in the development of community engagement, outreach and volunteer opportunities. She is available if you have any ideas for future Virtual Programs or interesting information you would like to share in the MFS(E) newsletters.

  • Jessica Sollows

    Jessica Sollows

    Community Services Provider View Bio
    Jessica Sollows

    Jessica Sollows

    Community Services Provider

    Jessica supports and provides information and referral services to families during HHT and In-clearances and throughout the term of your OUTCAN posting. She provides information and referral services for options relating to childcare for Det London Forum, Emergency Child Care, Youth Leadership Conference, Parenting Support Programs and Child and Youth programming for the UK community.

  • Nicole Rogerson

    Nicole Rogerson

    UK PSP Coordinator View Bio