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May 2024 - Jaclyn Patry

Discover how Jaclyn's initiatives to bridge the gap between civilian and military perspectives have enriched an American community's understanding and appreciation of their Canadian counterparts to the north.

In a world where cultural diversity is celebrated, it is essential to bridge gaps and foster understanding between different communities. Jaclyn Patry, May’s Volunteer of the Month, exemplifies this spirit by embracing her Canadian heritage and sharing it with the local community. While experiencing an OUTCAN posting, Jaclyn recognized a significant gap in the representation of Canada, within Fort Leavenworth’s international community and, she pro-actively filled this void by setting up a booth representing celebrations. Jaclyn ensured that the Canadian heritage was appropriately showcased.   

 Firstly, she enhanced the cultural awareness and diversity of events, ensuring that Canada's rich traditions and values were shared with local school children and the broader community. This initiative not only educated many but also helped bridge cultural understandings. Secondly, by addressing this previously identified gap area, she has set a precedent for future events, ensuring that Canadian representation remains a consistent part of community engagements. Through her efforts, Jaclyn has strengthened the bonds of international camaraderie and fostered a more inclusive environment within the Fort Leavenworth community.

Jaclyn, like many other volunteers, has her reasons for volunteering: "I've always thought volunteering was important, and whenever I've had the chance, I've always tried to take the time to do it. Due to my frequent moves, I've had the opportunity to volunteer in a variety of ways with many organizations. 

Jaclyn's unique background as an RCMP officer and military spouse has positioned her as a key figure in bridging the gap between diverse cultural perspectives within the close-knit Fort Leavenworth community. 

"Her contributions have made a lasting difference to the community in many ways, she has strengthened cultural awareness and event diversity, ensuring that Canada's rich traditions and values are shared with local children and the wider international community," according to Alexandra Cox, Military Family Services US Community Coordinator.

Her commitment underscores the importance of cultural preservation and the power of education in promoting mutual respect and understanding, says Alexandra. Jaclyn's story is a testament to the impact one individual can have on their community.