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Testimonial from Rick McKie

Rick McKie
Position: Morale and Welfare Manager
Deployed Location: Latvia

Why did you choose to apply to PSP Deployment Support and ultimately deploy? 

To me Deployed Support is the “point end of the spear” when it comes to providing morale and welfare programs to the CAF.   It is the ultimate in front line service.  That, and because of a fantastic previous deployment experience, I chose to re-apply.    

What is your deployment role/job?

Currently I am the Manager of Fitness and Sports at Garrison Petawawa. The Garrison has approximately 5700 troops ranging from support staff to frontline infantry units.  My staff and I provide them with fitness and sports programs and services such as their annual fitness evaluation, specialty fitness evaluations, daily fitness classes, intramural sports program, and regional sports administration. 

What have been the most rewarding aspects of your deployment?

The most rewarding aspects of my deployment was ensuring that everyone (all soldiers, Canadian or foreign militaries and my staff) were provided such a positive experience, that they will reflect on their time while deployed with great fondness. 

What would you say to people that are considering applying to PSP Deployment Support?

Working for Deployment Support isn’t for everyone. You will be away from your support network; you will work long hours with people that you likely don’t know.  Although you will have access to 3 meals per day, you may not enjoy what is being served, to top it all off you will be sharing a living space with strangers (at least until get to know them).  Having said all that, deployment can be addictive.  There seems to be a lot of folks who return for another opportunity to deploy.  When I’ve asked those who have deployed more than one time why they’ve come back, they usually say that they love providing support to the men and women in uniform. Also, they build new friendships with their colleagues and clients that last a lifetime.  Try it once…but be forewarned it’s addictive. 

Is there a success story you would like to share (i.e. personal achievement, team success, etc.)?

I was deployed when Russia invaded the Ukraine.  Prior to the invasion there was a buildup of soldiers on our Camp.  An additional 1000 Americans had shown up.  Although the Americans tried to be self-sufficient, when they saw what PSP offered in terms of programs and services, they were impressed, and wanted to participate in all that we had to offer. Keep in mind that during the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, there was some trepidation with the staff, and certainly what I would suggest was a heightened state on camp with all the troops.  

All of that took place while there was a significant outbreak of COVID on camp.  To top it off, we were informed that 800 Danes would be coming to camp, and that the Canadians and Americans were going to bring in Ukrainian troops to be trained by the Canadians and Americans.   Our client base doubled over a short period of time while the camp was under a heightened state of alertness, while being short staffed due to COVID.  In normal PSP fashion, the staff rose to the occasion, using their ingenuity to provide world class programs and services.  The success of the team through those difficult times is what stands out from my deployment.  Somehow those staff dug down and still came out with a smile on their face and took home some fond memories.