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Testimonial from Roxanne Dodsworth

Position: Retail Coordinator
Deployed Location: Kuwait

Why did you choose to apply to PSP Deployment Support and ultimately deploy? 

I have always wanted to apply for PSP Deployment over the years, however my husband was always away so I chose to be home for our son. Once he graduated high school and my husband was getting ready to retire, it was my turn.

What is your deployment role/job?

This is my second deployment here in Kuwait, I run the Shop Impact Store which I love!! I do all of the shopping keep track of all the inventory and spending. We are a small team here so we all help out with any excursions that need an OPI to go along with our members, help the Entertainment committee with bingos, paint night etc.

What have been the most rewarding aspects of your deployment?

The most rewarding part of deployment is being there for the members serving those that serve and also being part of a great team who really become part of your extended family, many who have become life long friends.

What would you say to people that are considering applying to PSP Deployment Support?

I tell everyone how rewarding this job is and I encourage them at least try this experience once, they will not be disappointed. You are so appreciated by the members on a deployment, just knowing they have someone greeting them each day with a smile and a small conversation can go a long way for someone that is away from home especially for the first time.

Is there a success story you would like to share (i.e. personal achievement, team success, etc.)?

My first deployment was in Latvia and was given the Commanders Accommodation. I was very honoured, but it was all because of the great team I had behind me which made my job go smoothly. My deployment last year was also very successful due to the rest of our team as a whole and I learnt a great deal, added a little more of my computer skills which is always a good thing! I have been back to Kuwait for a month now and once again have a great team to be working with and very excited to see what this next 6 months has in store for us.