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Testimonial from Nora Knight

Position: Barber/Stylist
Deployed Location: Latvia

Why did you choose to apply to PSP Deployment Support and ultimately deploy? 

I decided to apply and deploy because it was one of those experiences that don’t come by every day. 

What is your deployment role/job?

I work as a barber at Camp Adaži which includes cutting the hair of members from all nations. 

What have been the most rewarding aspects of your deployment?

The most rewarding aspects of my deployment have been the relationships and friendships I have built with not only my coworkers, but also the members from all across the world. 

What would you say to people that are considering applying to PSP Deployment Support?

To people applying for PSP Deployment Support, I would say absolutely go for it. If I could stay for 2 years instead of 6 months I would in a heartbeat!

Is there a success story you would like to share (i.e. personal achievement, team success, etc.)?

A personal success for me has been learning a little bit of every language and provide a better service for my clients on base.