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Testimonial from Kamma Frederick

Position: Fitness, Sport and Recreation (FSR) Supervisor
Deployed Location: Latvia 

Why did you choose to apply to PSP Deployment Support and ultimately deploy? 

I actually have two reasons:

  1. The first is that I have always wanted the chance to travel but never felt I could take the time away from work to do so. Deployment was a great opportunity to continue working and see some of the world. 
  2. The second is that at home my job within PSP has been entirely based around Military Families and although it is important, I wanted the chance to directly support military members. 

What is your deployment role/job?

As the FSR Supervisor, I oversee a team of 4 (3 FSR Coordinators and 1 Recreation Coordinator). My role is primarily administrative and entails overseeing all of the purchasing and maintenance of the gym equipment, sports equipment and recreational games; scheduling fitness classes and unit PT sessions, supporting the FSR Coordinators in putting on fitness or sports events and tournaments, supporting the Recreation Coordinator in organizing and providing excursions, liaising with military chain of command to support military members requests for events and activities and liaising with the Latvian facility staff and managers to ensure gym and facility rules are followed by all countries. 

What have been the most rewarding aspects of your deployment?

Fitness, Sport and Recreation is such a unique role. We are in a position to provide all of the fun and stress relieving opportunities for 12 different countries. To realize that that’s what we have for a job and to receive the genuine thanks we get for providing those opportunities it’s really incredible. 

What would you say to people that are considering applying to PSP Deployment Support?

Be prepared to work long hours and hard days but it is an experience unlike any other. I absolutely recommend it!

Is there a success story you would like to share (i.e. personal achievement, team success, etc.)?

I’ve only been on this deployment for one month, so I hope there is still time for success stories but on my last deployment I was fortunate enough to receive a CO’s Coin for the support I provided to the Canadian/Italian Cross Country Ski team who competed in Estonia during my deployment.