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Testimonial from Michael Cyr

Michael Cyr
Position: Barber
Deployed Location: Latvia and Kuwait

Why did you choose to apply to PSP Deployment Support and ultimately deploy? 

I chose to apply because I was looking for a change and a bit of adventure. The idea came up when a client of mine was complaining about not being able to get a good haircut for the next six months because they were being deployed, I told them let me see what I can do. 

What is your deployment role/job?

Well I am a barber, I take care of the hair and beards of deployed personnel, and just like at home in a barbershop I am also there to talk with them and listen to them and give them some normalcy in their day to day, because what's more normal then going to the barber shop.

What have been the most rewarding aspects of your deployment?

 Its the people, you are going to make friends you will have for life and experience things with them you will never find anywhere else. 

What would you say to people that are considering applying to PSP Deployment Support?

Just do it, many years after when you think of major points in your life and things you have done not many will stick out or shine as bright as deploying. 

Is there a success story you would like to share (i.e. personal achievement, team success, etc.)?

There is so much to be proud of, and so much success with every team I have worked with while deployed, by far the greatest success is honestly the comfortable and familiar atmosphere I was able to generate in the barber shop. The smiles and sense of relief on everyone's face coming into or out of the barber shop and hearing how much it meant to everyone having me there. I doubt I could name a greater success then that right there.