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Testimonial from Desiree Dauphinais

Position: Barber/Stylist
Deployed Location: Latvia

Why did you choose to apply to PSP Deployment Support and ultimately deploy? 

While I had always known about deployments in my career, the catalyst to my deciding to apply was COVID. As a stylist, I had always felt secure in my job. I was rewarded by helping others and was proud to be a person people came to see, not just for hair services but also as a friend, a confidant. Like so many stylists, my world and my perspective of what I do changed overnight and what seemed like hourly for many months to come. I knew I needed a change. What I knew is that I had a great desire to help people, the question was “what does that look like going forward?“

I needed a way to help others and also reclaim my sense of identity and self-worth. Being able to serve those who serve, those who sacrifice precious family moments, seemed like a way I could use the skills of my trade and provide a service greater than myself.

What is your deployment role/job?

I am currently a self-employed stylist in Winnipeg, I am also a product/color educator for REF Stockholm. 

What have been the most rewarding aspects of your deployment?

There are so many to choose from! When you are deployed, you miss things: birthdays, celebrations, and losses. For me, the most rewarding thing is to be a person who puts a smile on someone’s face when they are tired and/ or missing home.

What would you say to people that are considering applying to PSP Deployment Support?

Really think about it, talk with your family, make sure you are mentally prepared and have the support of your loved ones. You will make so many lifelong friends through deployment. From all over Canada and the world! If you feel it is right for you, it will be the be a decision you won’t regret and an experience that you will never forget. 

Is there a success story you would like to share (i.e. personal achievement, team success, etc.)?

Most recently I was awarded the CFMWS Customer Service Excellence Award. I was both honoured and surprised by this award. Not only was I the first deployed ops person to win this award but I was also the first external employee to win. I worked very hard to communicate with my coworkers, creating and improving on systems to make the work place even more enjoyable for those who come after me. It was my deployment goal to share my knowledge and passion with others. CFMWS and my deployed team in Latvia gave me the opportunity and all the tools I needed to accomplish my goals, it truly was a team effort. Receiving such a prestigious award let me know that I not only reached my goal but surpassed what I set out to do.