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Testimonial from K. Michael Blemkie

K. Michael Blemkie
Position: Travel and Recreation Supervisor
Deployed Location: Latvia (current), Afghanistan and Kuwait (Past)

Why did you choose to apply to PSP Deployment Support and ultimately deploy? 

Honestly the first time I applied to deploy I thought I was applying for a job in Bosnia as a colleague had done this mission and the stories of how she helped members of the CAF book travel arrangements.  The feeling of pride in a job like that was very appealing to me that I applied 3 years later.  Mind you the mission had changed unbeknownst to me; it was now Kandahar Airfield.  This was a little shocking as there was a war happening there.   Regardless I went forward with the process and had the most rewarding 6 months of my entire life and life changing.  I am on my 10th  tour and have the same sense of pride about serving those who serve.

What is your deployment role/job?

My current role is Travel and Recreation Supervisor.  In this role I have a team of Travel Coordinators that assist CAF members to book their Home Leave Travel Assistance (HLTA).  My role is to be the subject matter expert on policies and procedures.  In short there are policies that govern Home and 3rd location travel.  I also code our invoices and make sure that the bills get paid.  As you can imagine I have a healthy credit card limit.  Day to day staffing issues, such as coaching and assisting my staff with policy questions, ensuring that databases are accurate for transportation logistics.  All incoming Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members are briefed on HTLA and I am responsible to make sure all briefs and training is up to date.

What have been the most rewarding aspects of your deployment?

I mean, there have been so many rewarding moments on deployments.  However, I would have to say that anytime I was able to make a difference in someone’s day.  I once helped a member who was leaving to go home on their end of tour (EOT) and there was an incident on their way and he was in shock.  All he wanted to do was go through the garbages at Tim Horton’s as it was Roll up the RIM to roll up the unrolled rims.  I spent two hours just rolling up rims and promised him that we would get all the free prizes to his buddies.  The fact that I was able to help him feel better even for those 2 hours was probably the most rewarding moment of all my deployments.

What would you say to people that are considering applying to PSP Deployment Support?

This is experience is not for everyone and if you are considering this experience.  First off, I would like to say Thank You; not everyone is suited for this type of work.  However, if you are it will be the most amazing, roller coaster you will ever try.  You will work long days, sometimes 7 days a week, you have to be willing to “embrace the suck” (the food may always be the same or that good, sometimes no hot water for showers, dirty facilities, no personal space, walking  a good piece to the bathrooms) and put yourself aside and know that you are doing this for a much greater purpose.  You are separated from anyone and anything that is familiar and you have to be able to just get up and do it!!  Even if you just make one person a day smile it is worth it!!

Is there a success story you would like to share (i.e. personal achievement, team success, etc.)?

I have only been on the ground 3 weeks on this current deployment so stay tuned!

Just come with an open mind and an open heart, you are here to uplift and give members a little piece of home!