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Testimonial from Andrew Thomas

Andrew Thomas
Position: Training & Development Specialist
Deployed Location: HMCS Winnipeg

Why did you choose to apply to PSP Deployment Support and ultimately deploy? 

For me, I was seeking a new challenge from my current position back home. The opportunity to serve our members at the highest level, being in a deployed setting was something that sparked my interest from the start. The opportunity to leave home for 6 months and go to a country or ship I have never been to, or on before was both daunting and exciting at the same time. Ultimately, my sense of adventure was the main reason why I choose to deploy three times. Going somewhere new and working with Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members I have never worked with before was something I could not turn down.   

What is your deployment role/job?

Current Role: Training & Development Specialist 

  • I conduct needs assessments to develop training in accordance with Personnel Support Programs (PSP) training strategy.
  • I plan, organize, conduct and evaluate fitness testing protocols for delivery of physical fitness and evaluation programs.
  • I deliver courses to military and civilians.

Deployed Role: Fitness, Sports & Recreation Coordinator – Deployment Support

  • Design and delivered operational physical training programs to CAF members and multinational members while in theatre.
  • Lead and assist in morale building events such as bingo nights, laser tag tournaments, and sporting events. With sporting events, the roles and responsibilities were officiating, building a tournament, and purchasing awards. 
  •  Assist members with their initiatives. Such as:
    • Building personal training programs for their fitness goals.
    • Supporting them in their specialty events. 

What have been the most rewarding aspects of your deployment?

One of the most rewarding aspects of my deployment occurred when I was on HMCS Toronto Op Reassurance in 2020. This was a COVID deployment and had many restrictions in placed for the crew. Morale was low due to the inability to leave the ship throughout the sail. It was my job to keep the crew busy creating fitness challenges, sports events and recreation activities throughout the duration of the sail. Once the sail was completed I had many of the crew express how appreciated they were for me being on the sail with them. I even had one member tell me that, “This would have sucked if you were here with us”. Sometimes back home you do not feel the level of appreciation members have for you. However, while deployed that is a completely different and it was such as nice feeling to experience.  

What would you say to people that are considering applying to PSP Deployment Support?

I would say if you are someone who likes new adventures and new challenges that you should apply to PSP Deployment Support. 

Is there a success story you would like to share (i.e. personal achievement, team success, etc.)?

A personal achievement that I am most proud is when I received my Commendation from HMCS Toronto. It was my toughest deployment of the three so looking back on it I am proud of what we accomplished as a crew.