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Testimonial from Brian Zorgel

Brian Zorgel
Position: Fitness, Sports, and Recreation Supervisor
Deployed Location: Op IMPACT, Op REASSURANCE

Why did you choose to apply to PSP Deployment Support and ultimately deploy?

I chose to apply to PSP Deployment Support because I wanted to seek a new challenge within CFMWS that would further develop my skillset. In addition, I had heard so many great stories from colleagues and Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members about the impact that I can have in a deployed setting.

I am grateful to have had the chance to deploy twice since my initial training and both of my deployments were such rewarding experiences. My first experience was to Op IMPACT, where I had the opportunity to run the entire Fitness, Sports, and Recreation (FSR) programming. This gave me the confidence to succeed in my second deployment to Op REASSURANCE. As an FSR Supervisor in Op REASSURANCE, I had a major impact on my staff and their development, and I was able to bring my experience to enhance our programs and services to the CAF.

I have since advanced in my professional career within CFMWS and a lot of my success is contributed to my deployments.

Describe your current role/job (the audience may have no idea what you do).

The role of FSR Coordinator/Supervisor can be very demanding. The main role is to enhance the morale and welfare of the CAF, and other North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) contingents. The FSR accomplished this through three different avenues:

  • Fitness programming i.e. drop in fitness classes, training individual military units, one on one physical training, organizing fitness activities such as runs, biking, etc.
  • Sports i.e. tournaments, drop in leagues, organized leagues.
  • Recreation i.e. organizing on base activities such as bingo, trivia night, paint night, movie night, holiday events, etc.

What have been the most rewarding aspects of your deployment?

There were many rewarding aspects to both of my deployments, however, the impact that you can make on the CAF and other NATO troops is by far the most rewarding. In such a tough environment away from friends and family, PSP programs and services are such a positive outlet to enhance morale.

What would you say to people that are considering applying to PSP Deployment Support?

I would tell them that deployment is one of the most rewarding jobs that I have ever experienced in my career. It was always hard work and long days, but the impact that you can make is unmeasurable.

Is there a success story you would like to share (i.e. personal achievement, team success, etc.)

I can contribute much of my success within CFMWS to deployment. Dating back to my first deployment, I have been able to move into higher roles, whereas before, I lacked the experience. The unique experience of deployment broadens your skillset and pushes you out of your comfort zone. I was able to build more resiliency and confidence to take on new challenges in my career and my personal life.