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Supervision by professionals with university training in kinesiology, sports intervention or physical education, which favours quality follow-up. This is a great opportunity to be followed by a professional who uses physical activity for performance, rehabilitation and prevention purposes. Our specialists will give you the confidence to achieve your goals, taking into account all aspects of physical activity and lifestyle habits. - Insurance receipt available upon request (kinesiology follow-up only). * A PSP membership is required to access training services.

  • Initial program | Rates
    The initial program is designed for all new clients wishing to have personalized training with us.

    • Military and Veterans - $99.00
    • PSP Member - $130

    • Non-PSP Member - $165.00
    If you would like a personalized training session, fill-out this  FORM

    It includes:
    - A first appointment for a basic fitness assessment
    - A second appointment for a training program
  • The advantages of being followed by a Fitness instructor / Kinesiologist
    • Achieve specific objectives
    • Obtain adapted progressions
    • Injury prevention
    • Motivational interviewing*
    • Greater variety of training and exercises
    • Safe supervision
    *To maintain motivation for healthy lifestyle habits.
  • Fitness Assessment | Rates
    What is done during the assessment : 
    • Assessment of risk factors
    • Assessment of lifestyle habits
    • Pain assessment
    • Assessment of past, present and future physical activity levels
    • Various tests according to the client's needs (posture, muscular, cardiovascular, mobility, etc.)

    Basic fitness assessment*
    • PSP Member: $55
    • Non-PSP Member: $70
    Specific fitness assessment:
    • PSP Membe $70
    • Non-PSP Membeer: $99

    *Fitness evaluation is mandatory for new clients. 

    If you would like a personalized training session, please send an e-mail to  [email protected]
  • Training Program - Fitness | Rates
    This type of program is suitable for any clientele wishing to train with the help of a professional (pre- and post-natal, fitness, reconditioning after injury, seniors (to prevent the risk of falls and deconditioning), symptomatic clientele (hypertension, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, heart and lung problems, chronic pain, etc.). You have the option of purchasing one program at a time.
    • The content of the training program provided includes 1 to 2 different workouts/week
    Personalized training program - Fitness:
    • PSP Membe: $75
    • Non-PSP Member: $95
    If you would like a personalized training session, please send an e-mail to  [email protected]
  • Supervised Training Sessions
    If you have trouble staying motivated on your own, if you're afraid to return to training after an injury, or if you like a wide variety of exercises, supervised workouts are the answer! With frequent follow-ups with your trainer, you'll be able to achieve the right intensity to help you progress and reach your goals. 

    For information on rates or to book an appointment, please call 418-844-5000 #5226 option 2
  • Semi-private training sessions | Rates
    If you're interested in personalized training services and would like to share this service with friends, spouses or others, then semi-private training is for you. You'll benefit from personalized coaching while sharing this moment with the people you want. 
    * A minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 people can use this service.

  • Policy

    Late appointment
    In the event of unannounced lateness, the fitness instructor reserves the right to end the session at the scheduled time, without the possibility of rescheduling.

    Appointment cancellation by client
    Cancellation must be made 24 hours in advance by contacting your fitness instructor by telephone, voice mail or e-mail.

    1st absence without notice: reschedule as soon as possible;

    2nd absence without notice for a supervised training session:
    - $10 fee to be paid before next meeting

    2nd absence without notice for a personalized training program:
    - $15 fee to be paid before next appointment

    Appointment cancellation by instructor
    Cancellation of an appointment by a fitness instructor will always be made as soon as possible, by telephone. We thank you in advance for your understanding in the event of a late cancellation (illness, scheduling conflict).

    Training plan validity period
    The programs and supervised training sessions included in a personalized training plan are valid for one year following first use (fitness assessment or 1st program or 1st supervised session).


Private lessons is a service reserved for PSP members  
If you are NOT A MEMBER, click HERE. For more information on rates. 
If you ARE ALREADY A MEMBER, registration is done directly with the Recreation Coordinator.