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Day Camp Descriptions, Costs and Dates

IMPORTANT : Please note that your child will need to reach the age in the group they are enrolling in by September 30, 2025.

Example: My child will be 7 years old on August 3rd, so I will have to register him in the 7-8 camps.

Do you think the camp offerings have changed this year? 

You are right! In 2024 we have opted for versatility and discovery by focusing on our base camps. 

  • All children will be in regular camp during Pre-Camp week (June 25 to 27), as this is a training week for our counselors, and your registered children will have the chance to forge and implement good practices among our counselors.
  • Week 8 (August 18 to 20) will be a week of outings.
  • This explains why the number of places per age group offered is limited for these two weeks.

Camps are reserved for children of serving military personnel, Shannon residents and DND/NPF employees

Details and Rates

courcelette day camp valcartier

Courcelette Day Camp

Camps are reserved for children of serving military personnel, Shannon residents and DND/NPF employee
Details and Rates

How to register online and codes

Course codes all begin with CAM2526031302 and end with the two letters in the following table:

Ex: Week 1 Regular 5-6 = CAM2526031302AB



Years old


Years old


Years old


Years old


Years old


Years old







Cam 1

Cam 2









Week 1








Week 2






Week 3








Week 4






Week 5








Week 6







Week 7








Week 8 

Great Journey







INFO : 418 844-5000, ext: 5226, opt 2

For more details on how to register your child via Bookking Click here

Camp Offered

  • 5 - 6 years old
    • Ratio of 1 counsellor for 10 youth
    • Is your child between 5 and 6 years old?
    • Our regular camp will offer a variety of activities to develop and discover different areas of interest.
    • Artistic, scientific and sports activities will be offered, as well as free play time.
  • 7 - 8 years old

    Ratio of 1 animator for 12 children

    Is your child between 7 and 8 years old? You have 2 options for your child!

    Regular camp: Our regular camp will offer a variety of activities to develop and discover different areas of interest. Artistic, scientific and sports activities will be offered, in addition to free play time.

    Specialized Camps:
    • Registration is required for each week of camp. You will be able to choose your specialty from one week to the next.
    • You must choose your specialty in order of preference (e.g. choice 1, choice 2, choice 3). We'll make up the groups according to your preferences and the order of registration priority (date and time of registration).
    • In addition to participating in a variety of activities throughout the summer, your child will spend time with specialists in a specific discipline. Each week, you'll have a choice of the following disciplines;
    Week 2
    June 30 & July 2 to 4
    Artistic Dance Volleyball Gymnastic   Basketball Musical Comedy
    Week 3
    July 7 to 11
    Artistic Dance Volleyball Cheerleading Aquatic
    Soccer Cirque
    Week 4
    July 14 to 18
    Urbain Dance Volleyball Gymnastic   Hiking Cirque
    Week 5
    July 21 to 25
    Artistic Dance Volleyball Cheerleading   Dek hockey Science
    Week 6
    July 28 July to Aug. 1
    Artistic Dance Volleyball Gymnastic Aquatic
    Soccer Cooking
    Week 7
    August 4 to 8
    Urbain Dance Volleyball Cheerleading   Basketball Cooking
    Week 8
    August 11 to 15
    Urbain Dance Volleyball Gymnastic  
    Dek hockey
  • 9 - 10 years old

    Ratio of 1 animator for 15 children

    Is your child between 9 and 10 years old?

    He or she can choose from a variety of disciplines:

    1. Junior Lions cam: Consult de Junior Lions Camp page for the details.

    2. Specialty Camps:
    • Registration is required for each week of camp. You will be able to choose your specialty from one week to the next.
    • You must choose your specialty in order of preference (e.g. choice 1, choice 2, choice 3). We'll make up the groups according to your preferences and the order of registration priority (date and time of registration).
    • In addition to participating in a variety of activities throughout the summer, your child will spend time with specialists in a specific discipline. Each week, you'll have a choice of the following disciplines;

    Week 2
    June 30,
     July 2 to 4
    Artistic Dance Volleyball Gymnastic   Basketball Comédie musicale
    Week 3
    July 7 to 11
    Artistic Dance Volleyball Cheerleading   Soccer Circus
    Week 4
    July 14 to 18
    Urban Dance Volleyball Gymnastic Aquatic 9-10 Randonnée Circus
    Week 5
    July 21 to 25
    Artistic Dance Volleyball Cheerleading   Dek hockey Science
    Week 6
    July 28 to August  1
    Artistic Dance Volleyball Gymnastic   Soccer Cooking
    Week 7
    August 4 to 8
    Urban Dance Volleyball Cheerleading Aquatic 9-10 Basketball Cooking
    Week 8
    August 11 to 15
    Urban Dance Volleyball Gymnastic  
    Dek hockey

  • 11 - 12 years old
    Ratio of 1 animator for 15 children

    Is your child between 11 and 12 years old?
    He or she can choose from a variety of disciplines:

    1. Junior Lions camp : Consult the Junior Lions Camp page for the details

    2. Specialty Camps
    • Registration is required for each week of camp. You will be able to choose your specialty from one week to the next.
    • You must choose your specialty in order of preference (e.g. choice 1, choice 2, choice 3). We'll make up the groups according to your preferences and the order of registration priority (date and time of registration).
    • In addition to participating in a variety of activities throughout the summer, your child will spend time with specialists in a specific discipline. Each week, you'll have a choice of the following disciplines;
    Week 2
    June 30,
     July 2 to 4
    Artistic Dance Volleyball Gymnastic   Basketball Comédie musicale
    Week 3
    July 7 to 11
     Artistic Dance Volleyball Cheerleading   Soccer Circus
    Week 4
    July 14 to 18
    Urban Dance Volleyball Gymnastic Aquatic 11-12 Randonnée Circus
    Week 5
    July 21 to 25
    Artistic Dance Volleyball Cheerleading   Dek hockey Science
    Week 6
    July 28 to August  1
    Artistic Dance Volleyball Gymnastic   Soccer Cooking
    Week 7
    August 4 to 8
    Urban Dance Volleyball Cheerleading Aquatic 11-12 Basketball Cooking
    Week 8
    August 11 to 15
    Urban Dance Volleyball Gymnastic  
    Dek hockey

  • 13 - 14 years old

    Want to get your teen out of the house this summer?

    Here are two camps that might interest them. Camp Cam offered by Camp Courcelette and the Junior Lions Camp offered at the sports centre. 

    Camp Cam - This camp is for young people who would like to work as animators but are not quite old enough yet. We will coach them to become good entertainers, teaching them how to run games, supervise a group while having fun and taking part in various types of activities.

    CAM 1 (Camp Aspiring Monitor): You have got the itch to work in a day camp? Then we have got just the thing for you! Since you are not yet old enough to work at our great camp, we have decided to offer you a camp that will give you the training and practice you need to work with us next year! Isn't that great! On top of that, it is the perfect opportunity to expand your circle of friends with people just like you!

    CAM 2 (Camp Aspiring Monitor level 2): You completed CAM Camp Level 1 last summer, but you are not old enough to work at the camp yet, and you are still itching to work at a day camp? Well, we have found the solution for you! Come and complete Level 2 so we can give you more practical training and expand your circle of friends with people like you!

  • Week 8 - The Great Journey

    This year, Courcelette  Day Camp is offering you a final week full of special activities to end the summer 2025 on a high note!

    1. Monday, August 18 - Trip to the Éco-Parc des Etchemins
    2. Tuesday, August 19 - Trip to Récré-O-Fun
    3. Wednesday, August 20 - Trip to Baie de Beauport

Descriptions of specialized camps

You will have to choose your specialty in order of preference (choice 1, choice 2, choice 3). We will form the groups according to your preferences and the order in which you registered (date and time of registration).

  • Basketball
    You are good with your hands!
    This program will help you develop basic basketball skills such as: ball handling, dribbling, shooting and tactical strategies.
    • Clothing: Sportswear and good shoes
    • Provided by : Fitness Instructor
  • Cheerleading
    Are you acrobatic and artistic?
    This program is for you! Come develop your basic cheerleading skills such as jumps, tumbling lifts and dance.
    • Clothing : Close-fitting sportswear
    • Provided by : Acrobatic Studio Instructor
  • Circus
    Intrigued by the world of the circus.
    This specialized circus week will help you develop your athletic, technical and artistic skills. A week of passion-filled workshops. On the program: balance, acrobatics, juggling and much more.
    • Clothing : Sportswear and good shoes
    • Given by : FlipTop Instructor

  • Musical Comedy
    This program will enable you to discover different notions and techniques in the three disciplines involved in musical comedy: singing, dancing and acting.

    You will have the chance to familiarize yourself with these three disciplines, in addition to preparing a number from a musical. A great way to discover or deepen your knowledge of musical theatre.
    • Provided by : Instructor from Muzikal
  • Cooking
    Your taste buds are well developed!
    This program will teach you the basics of cooking, such as how to cut and heat food safely, how to measure out ingredients, and how to follow the steps of a recipe. You'll even be able to eat your delicious preparations.
    • Provided by : Annie Caron Cuisine Santé
  • Dance
    Follow the rhythm and let yourself be carried away by the music!
    During this program, prepare a choreography with an experienced teacher.
    • Clothing : Sportswear
    • Presented by: Studio Dépendance teachers

    Urban Dance Camp

    High-energy urban dance is the perfect way to have fun while burning off energy! Every day, your child will discover the world of hip-hop dance and explore his or her creativity while working on coordination.

    • On the program: learning a complete choreography and a variety of workshops to discover the essence of different urban dance styles.
    • Introductory sessions in breakdance, waacking, locking, house and much more will give each dancer the chance to express themselves and explore the many facets of hip-hop dance.
    • A camp where learning rhymes with fun, inclusiveness, creativity and group spirit!
    • This camp is offered for children aged 5 to 12. Children will be divided into the usual day camp age groups. No dance prerequisites are necessary; the dance camp program is suitable for everyone!

    The weeks offered for the urban dance course are :

    • July 14 to 18
    • August 4 to 8
    • August 11 to 15
    • August 18 to 22

    Artistic dance camp

    Combining classical ballet, contemporary, lyrical and jazz, this program will enable your child to express himself through dance, while working on posture, elegance, balance, flexibility and coordination.

    Graceful, emotional and technical, artistic dance is perfect for having fun while working on body expression through movement!

    On the program: learning a complete choreography and a variety of workshops to discover the different styles of artistic dance.

    A camp where learning rhymes with fun, inclusiveness, creativity and group spirit! This camp is offered for children aged 5 to 12. Children will be divided into the usual day camp age groups. No dance prerequisites are necessary, as dance camp programming is adapted to everyone!

    The weeks offered for this program are :

    • June 30 to July 4  (No classe on July 1st and July 4)
    • July 7 to 11
    • July 21 to 25
    • July 28 to August 1st 
  • Dek hockey
    As a hockey fan, this program will allow you to develop your hockey skills without worrying about falling on the ice.
    Through stimulating activities, you'll perfect your game control, ball handling, shooting and much more.
    • Clothing : Sportswear and good running shoes.
    • Provided by : Fitness Instructor
  • Gymnastic
    You're acrobatic!
    In this program you'll learn how to do the bridge, the side wheel, front and back inverses and flic-flac rondades, among other things.
    • Clothing : Close-fitting sportswear
    • Presented by : Studio Acrobatique specialized instructor
  • Hiking
    Lovers of the outdoors and adventure, this camp is for you!
    This program will allow you to explore Shannon's various trails while learning about good wilderness behavior and survival techniques.
    • Clothing : Sportswear and good outdoor shoes.
    • Given by : Fitness instructor
  • Science
    Budding genius!
    This program will develop your creativity and stimulate your interest in the world of science through a variety of experiments. On the program: exploring reptiles, dinosaurs, glue and discovering the world of magic.
    • Provided by : Specialists from Zoum Zoum Party
  • Soccer
    You're good with your feet and love to run!
    This program will help you develop basic soccer skills like ball movement, passing, stopping, basic rules and much more.
    • Clothing : Sportswear and good shoes
    • Provided by : Fitness Instructor
  • Aquatic Sports
    You are like a little fish in water!
    Come and discover and learn different water sports and activities.
    • Clothing: Swimsuit
    • Given by : Aquatic Fitness Instructor
  • Theatre
    Come and discover theater through play.
    We will learn diction techniques, character development, bodywork, facial expressions, and more! This activity will also enable you to stage small theatrical scenes
    • Provided by : Muzikâl Instructor
  • Volleyball
    Are you a team sports fan?
    Volleyball camp is perfect for you. You will learn basic techniques like passing, serving and smashing, while developing the camaraderie that is Volleyball.
    • Clothing : Sportswear and good indoor shoes.
    • Donated by : Club de Volleyball les Citadelles de Québec coaches

Inclusion Support Service

If you have a child with special needs and you are a Regular member, we invite you to complete the  "Inclusion Support Servce"

Click here