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Swimming 0 - 6 years old

Waiting list:

If you are unable to obtain availability at the desired time, please register on the waiting list. This allows us to open new groups according to demand. (Several availability on Sundays, by registering on the waiting list)

* Until November 26, 2023 23:55

**Spaces are reserved for families with a member who is or plans to be deployed. Online registration available, but you will need to provide the full name and unit of the deployed parent

Schedule and Rates

  • Parents and Tot 1, 2, 3 (4 to 36 months)

    Winter 2025

    Course Dates     No class / March Break
    Monday  Feb. 10 to April 7, 2025        March 3
    Tuesday  Feb. 11 to April 8, 2025 March 4
    Wednesday   Feb. 12 to April 9, 2025 March 5
    Thursday  Feb. 13 to April 10, 2025 March 6
    Friday  Feb. 14 to April 11, 2025 March 7
    Saturday  Feb. 15 to April 12, 2025 March 8
    Sunday  Feb. 16 to April 13, 2025 March 9

    A parent must accompany their child in the water

    Class With Parent Code Schedule PSP NPSP*

    Parent-tot 1
    Parent-tot 1 (4 to 12 months) AQU2425011302AA Thursday
    6pm to 6 :30PM
    $79 $105
    Parent-tot 1 (4 to 12 months) AQU2425011302AB Sunday
    9am to 9 :30am
    $79 $105

    Parent-tot 2
    Parent-tot 2 (12 to 24 months) AQU2425011302AD Thurday
    5 :30pm to 6pm
    $79 $105
    Parent-tot 2 (12 to 24 months) AQU2425011302AF Sunday
    9:30am to 10am
    $79 $105

    Parent-tot 3
    Parent-tot 3 (24 to 36 months) AQU2425011302AH Sunday
    10am to 10:30am
    $79 $105
    Parent-tot 3 (24 to 36 months) AQU2425011302AJ Thursday
    5pm to 5 :30pm
    $79 $105

    *Non-PSP members rate
  • Preschool 1 to 5 (3 to 6 years old)

    Winter 2025

    Course Dates      No class / March Break
    Monday  Feb. 10 to April 7, 2025        March 3
    Tuesday  Feb. 11 to April 8, 2025 March 4
    Wednesday   Feb. 12 to April 9, 2025 March 5
    Thursday  Feb. 13 to April 10, 2025 March 6
    Friday  Feb. 14 to April 11, 2025 March 7
    Saturday  Feb. 15 to April 12, 2025 March 8
    Sunday  Feb. 16 to April 13, 2025 March 9

    WP= With Parent
    W/O P = Without Parent

    Preschool 1 Code Schedule PSP NPSP*
    Preschool 1 (3-6 years old) WP AQU2425011302BA Thursday
    5pm to 5 :45pm
    $99 $135
    Preschool 1 (3-6 years old) WP AQU2425011302BB Tuesday
    5pm to 5 :45pm
    $99 $135
    Preschool 1 (3-6 years old) WP AQU2425011302BC Sunday
    9am to 9 :45pm
    $99 $135

    Preschool 2
    Preschool 2 (3-6 years old) WP AQU2425011302BD Thursday
    5 pm to 5:45pm
    $99 $135
    Preschool 2 (3-6 years old) WP AQU2425011302BE Monday
    7 pm to 7:45pm
    $99 $135
    Preschool 2 (3-6 years old) WP AQU24255011302BF Sunday
    11:15 am to 12pm
    $99 $135

    Preschool 3
    Preschool 3 (3-6 years old) WP AQU2425011302BG Tuesday
    5 :45pm to 6 :30pm
    $99 $135
    Preschool 3 (3-6 years old) WP AQU2425011302BH Thursday
    5:45pm to 6:30pm
    $99 $135
    Preschool 3 (3-6 years old) WP AQU2425011302BI Monday
    6:15pm to 7pm
    $99 $135

    Preschool 4
    Preschool 4 (5-6 years old) AQU2425011302BJ Thursday
    6 :30pm to 7 :15pm
    $99 $135
    Preschool 4 (5-6 years old) AQU2425011302BL Sunday
    11:15am to 12pm
    $99 $135
    Preschool 4 (5-6 years old) AQU2425011302BM Sunday
    10:30am to 11:15am
    $99 $135

    Preschool 5
    Preschool 5 (5-6 years old) AQU2425011302BO Tuesday
    7 :15pm to 8pm
    $99 $135
    Preschool 5 (5-6 years old) AQU2425011302BQ Sunday
    12 :45pm to 1 :30pm
    $99 $135

    Preschool 1-2 (3 -6 years old)
    Preschool 1-2 (3-6 years old) W/O P AQU2425011302BR Sunday
    1 :30pm to 2 :15pm
    $99 $135
    Preschhol 2-3-4 (3 -6 yeas old) W/O P AQU2425011302BS Sunday
    10:30am to 11:15am
    $$99 $135

    *Rates for non-PSP members

Swimming Course Descriptions

  • General Information

    Session dates: 8-weeks session from February 10 to April 13, 2025

    If your course is full, join the waiting list. If we have enough requests for certain levels, we will try to open new groups. 
    The waiting list can be accessed directly from Bookking. By following the same process as for registration, you will be able to see "Join waiting list" if your group is already full.

  • Parent and tot (4 months to 36 months)

    If you have never taken a swimming class or for more information, please contact the aquatic team by email [email protected] ) or at 418-844-5000, ext. 8080

    General Information

    Through structured interaction in the water between parent and child, we emphasize the importance of play to develop positive attitudes and skills around water. We offer Lifesaving Society Aqua Bon tips to keep your child safe in all aquatic environments. Certified instructors lead the learning and answer your questions.

    • Parent-Child 1-2-3 classes will be held in the small 90 degree pool.
    • Parent-Child classes are 25 minutes long
    • Since the activities and progressions are based on the child's development, you register at the appropriate level for your child's age: 4 to 12 months, 12 to 24 months or 24 to 36 months. The parent must accompany the child for all Parent and Child levels.
  • Preschool Program (3 to 6 years old)

    If you have never taken a swimming class or for more information, please contact the aquatic team by email or at 418-844-5000, ext. 8080.

    Give your child a head start on learning to swim. The Lifesaving Society's Preschool Module aims to develop an appropriate appreciation and respect for the water before they venture into deep water.

    In our basic aquatic progressions, we work to ensure that children become comfortable in the water. They have fun while learning and developing basic water skills. We incorporate Lifesaving Society Aqua Bon safety tips into all Preschool levels.

    General Information

    • Parents must be in the water for Parent-Child 1 through Preschool 3
    • To accommodate the reality of military families, the program may offer one or more Preschool 1 to 3 courses without parents in the water. Places are reserved for families where one member is, or expects to be, on extended leave for a course, exercise or deployment. Look for SP (without parent) in the table to find the course code corresponding to your level.
    •  Preschool classes are 40 minutes long
  • Preschool 1 (3 to 6 years old)

    These preschoolers will have fun learning how to get in and out of the water. We will help them jump into the water at chest height. They will try to float and slide on their stomachs and backs. They will learn to wet their face and blow bubbles underwater. 

    Must be accompanied by a parent in the water for the duration of the session.

  • Preschool 2 (3 to 6 years old)

    These preschoolers will learn to jump into the water at chest height on their own, as well as enter and exit the water wearing a personal flotation device (PFD). They will be able to submerge and exhale underwater. Using a PFD, they will slide on their stomach and back. 

    Must be accompanied by a parent in the water for the duration of the session.

  • Preschool 3 (3 to 6 years old)

    These children will attempt both a deep water jump and a side roll while wearing a PFD. They will retrieve objects from the bottom of the water at waist height. They will learn kicking and sliding on their stomach and back. 

    Must be accompanied by a parent in the water for the duration of the session.

  • Preschool 4 (5 to 6 years old)

    These more advanced preschoolers will learn to jump in and out of deeper water on their own. They will roll sideways into the water and open their eyes underwater. They will master a short distance swim (5m) with a PFD on their belly, but will also be able to glide and kick to the side. 

    The child must be able to move alone in the water without floating aids

  • Preschool 5 (5 to 6 years old)
    These children will become increasingly adventurous by performing a front roll into the water wearing a PFD. They will swim in place for 10 seconds. They will practice 5m crawl and backstroke, interval training and have fun doing the simultaneous spin kick.