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Portfolio Development Program

Woman  creating her professional portfolio
The Portfolio Development Program is free and available online across Canada to military and Veteran spouses as a joint venture between Military Family Services and the Trenton MFRC.

Customized for military spouses, discover an online, accredited, six-week program for jobseekers, students and entrepreneurs, and those in or considering career transition. Assess your experience, showcase your talents, and match your workplace skills to job market needs. 

Consider enrolling in this program if you are thinking about a career change, seeking new job opportunities, relocating or recently moved, applying for a promotion, starting a business venture, or augmenting your education.

Session 1: Career Exploration
Session 2: How to Showcase your Transferable Skills
Session 3: Documentation 101
Session 4: Branding Yourself - Narratives & Letters of Verification
Session 5: Resumes and Cover Letters
Session 6: Pulling the Pieces Together & Effective Presentation Skills

Upon completing the program, you may submit your portfolio for assessment and apply to receive a joint certificate from Loyalist College and Trenton MFRC.

For further details about the program, watch the optional Introductory Session  “Portfolio…Is it for you?” 


2 hours per week for 6 weeks (virtual).


Spouses/partners of Canadian Armed Forces members (Regular Force and Reserves) and spouses of Veterans of the Canadian Armed Forces. 




When registering, please ensure you are able to attend all six sessions. Registration for individual sessions is not permitted. 


Contact Elizabeth Nicholas, Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP), Certified Human Resources Leader (CHRL), Certified Career Development Practitioner/Professional (CCDP) and Virtual Employment and Education Specialist at the Trenton MFRC.

Please be aware that sessions are not recorded. We are committed to fostering an inclusive and safe environment where everyone can freely and comfortably express themselves. Sessions may feature resource packages, breakout rooms, and open dialogue relating to the session topics.


Military Spouse, Greenwood

"I found the positive support of the facilitators to be very helpful and motivation. I valued the knowledge and insight into how to find our value and to prove our worth. That was a significant highlight for me. Thank you so much for guidance and time."

Military Spouse, Esquimalt

"This was an incredibly informative program, it puts my strategy in perspective. I didn't know what to expect coming in so I was very receptive to anything I learn. I'm glad I registered and I will take what I learned with me in my day-to-day. It couldn't have come in a better time as I'm doing my first intensive performance review in a couple of weeks and this has helped me leverage my current skills and experiences to ask for what I am worth."

Military Spouse, Cold Lake

"So much advice and assistance. Extremely valuable! And well worth the time, even if it’s just for yourself."

Military Spouse, Esquimalt

"I liked doing this workshop in a group. It's nice to see I'm not alone in this. Really helpful and very encouraging."

Military Spouse, Shilo

"What I liked most about the portfolio program was the identification of transferrable skills, and narratives."

Military Spouse, Kingston

"The program taught us how to quantify our experience, draw out our skills and record them in a way that a complete stranger could understand and appreciate."

Military Spouse, North Bay

"I discovered things about my skills and values I didn't know about."

See the MFS Spousal Employment Support Services Privacy Notice HERE.