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Youth Mental Health Support 

Please contact the Military Family Navigator - Mental Health at [email protected] or (613) 687-7587 ext. 3226 for more information. 

Support Groups

The PMFRC offers weekly support groups at Bishop Smith Catholic High School and Valour JK-12 for young people (12 years old and up) from Military families. 

Group sessions are held every Wednesday over the lunch hour and are facilitated by a youth counsellor.  This open group uses an unstructured format so participants can raise topics that interest them.

Topics may include: 

  • the challenges of being in a Military family
  • coping with postings/ deployments/ absences
  • parental PTSD / OSI (operational stress injuries) and physical injuries
  • substance abuse; coping with parental substance abuse
  • healthy relationships
  • transitions – Military to civilian, youth to adult, grade to grade

 Mental Health and Wellness Counselling

A PMFRC youth counsellor is available for one-on-one sessions with high school students at Bishop Smith Catholic High School and Valour JK-12 during school hours. 

 Students 12 years of age and up do not require parental permission to speak with a youth counsellor, and all appointments are confidential.