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Promoting Physical Activity

PSP led Unit Fitness Class
A great way to get people moving is to include physical activity in team building activities. PSP can support in various ways through recreation, fitness and sports. 

What's in it for my team?

With most waking hours spent in sedentary activities at work and play, it is crucial to make physical activity more attainable throughout the day. Emerging evidence shows that regular, short active breaks are very valuable in helping with productivity, focus, mood, overall wellness, and can be part of creating a supportive work environment (1).

The Canadian 24- Hour movement guidelines recommend that adults should engage in 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per week, and to spend less than 8h a day being sedentary. Although many CAF personnel are considered physically active, time spent in sedentary activities at work and at home has increased (2). 

How to support physical activity in the workplace

  • Lead by example 
  • Set time aside for physical activity such as physical training (PT)
  • Encourage regular physical activity
  • Organize unit PT sessions on a monthly or weekly basis
  • Organize team building events that include physical activity

Below you will find various ideas to get your team up and moving!

PSP Teams in the NCR

Get active with your local NCR PSP Teams


  1. Ali, C. (2020, December 21). How to work ‘‘exercise snacks’’ into your day. The University of British Columbia.
  2. National Defense. (2016). Health and Lifestyle Information Survey of Canadian Forces Personnel 2013/2014. Health and Lifestyle Information Survey of Canadian Armed Forces Personnel: 2013/2014 (