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Notice of Annual General Meeting


Mainland BC Military Family Resource Centre Society

(the “Society”)

Notice is hereby given that the Society will be holding an Annual General Meeting of members on

Tuesday, June 25 2024

at 7:00 p.m.

via Zoom

for the following purposes:

● To receive reports from the board chair, executive director, nominating committee, and auditor.

● To appoint the Society’s auditor for 2024-2025

● To nominate new directors

● To transact such further or other business as may properly come before the meeting or any adjournment or adjournments thereof.


Benson Lum

Board Chair

Links to meeting documents are below. AGM participation may be via Zoom or by proxy (contact [email protected]). Attendees must be Society members in order to vote.

2023 AGM Minutes

2024 AGM Agenda

2024 Executive Director's Report

2024 AGM Proxy

2024 Nominations Committee Report