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PSP Facilities Code Of Conduct

As a member, participant or visitor, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct, which is based on the values of caring, honesty, responsibility and respect.

The following behaviours are prohibited in all PSP facilities, programs and online communities:
1.  Inappropriate Attire

Appropriate attire must be worn at all times.  It is prohibited to wear clothing with vulgar language, obscene images, racial slurs or anything that contributes to a hostile environment or is inappropriate for a family environment.
2.  Inappropriate Language

Any hostile or vulgar language, including swearing, shouting, or name-calling.
3.  Threatening Physical Contact

Any threatening or hostile physical contact with another person, including play fighting.
4.  Sexual Activity

Any demonstration of sexual activity or sexual contact with another person.
5.  Harassment/Intimidation

May include, but is not limited to, repeated incidents or a pattern of behaviour that is intended to intimidate, offend, degrade or humiliate a particular person or group of people.  It has also been describe as the assertion of power through agression.
6.  Theft/Destruction of Property

Any theft or behaviour that results in the destruction of property.
7.  Weapons

Being in possession of anything used, designed to be used or intended for use in causing death or injury to any person or for the purpose of threatening or intimidating any person and, without restricting the generalilty of the foregoing, includes a firearm.
8.  Drugs or Alcohol

Possessing or using recreational or illicit/illegal drugs or alcohol at the 14 Wing Greenwood Fitness and Sports Centre, and/or sponsored programs is not permitted in any regard.
 Additionally, access to PSP facilities is not permitted while under the influence of the above mentioned substances.
9.  Inappropriate Conduct

Any conduct of an inappropriate, threatening or offensive nature.
10. Loitering

Loitering is not permitted in or outside of facilities or programs.
11.  Electronic Device Usage

An individual may not use an electronic device to record audio content, take photographs, record videos, and/or make any other type of recordings with an electronic device in a PSP facility without the express written permission from the PSP Staff.
12. Tobacco

The use of tobacco or similar products, including e-cigarettes, is not permitted in or outside of fitness or recreational facilities and programs.
13.  Client Training

No client (day user or member) may train another client.
14.  Identification Rules and Regulations

All civilian, dependents and military personnel are expected to have proper form of identification and/or current membership card on t heir persons when entering PSP Facilities; military members/patrons are REQUIRED to show/swipe proper identification upon request by facillty personnel.

Examples can be found a follows:
       a.     the Fitness and Sports Centre facility has a 100% mandatory ID check (either of a valid PSP Plan Membership card or Military Identification) upon entering the facility for use; and
       b.     certain programs at the Community Recreation Centre require valid PSP Plan Membership cards to be shown before registration can take place.
15.  Breaches of the PSP Code of Conduct

PSP Staff will report a breach of the PSP Code of Conduct, to the Wing Commander, Wing CWO, Direct Supervisor and/or MP if a civilian commits a breach.  Administrative and/disciplinary action could be taken against civilian.
Administrative and/or disciplinary action could be taken against DND employees or CAF members in breach of this PSP Code of Conduct.