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Programs & Services in Naples

The Canadian Forces community in Italy is comprised of approximately 50 families. The majority of families are located in Naples, other locations include Sigonella, Poggio, Rome and Latina.

Naples is a very large city with a population of approximately 4 million people. Families are quite spread out over the city with the majority residing in Lago Patria, Licola, Quarto, Pozzuoli, Monterusciello and Monte di Procida. Despite being located across the city, there is a strong sense of community spirit amongst families.

Things to consider when choosing an area to live include public transit, commuting time to JFC, access to shopping and markets, and school locations and busing availability. When you embark on your house hunting trip, please visit us at the Villa as we’d welcome the opportunity to meet you.

Housing styles differ from what you may be accustomed to in North America. Most families reside in villas or apartments located in gated Parcos. Flooring is predominantly ceramic tile, ceilings are 10ft high, stoves are gas and most homes use 220 voltage versus the 110 in Canada.

Upon arrival, MFSE Naples will provide families with a welcome basket containing information, reference materials, maps and an invaluable resource guide titled ‘Naples Handbook’. Every year an annual welcome celebration and briefing is held to facilitate introductions for new community members and to familiarize families with the services available.



The JFC Naples Base and the Canadian Forces Support Element are located on Via Madonna del Pantano, Lago Patria, Italy, 80014. The JFC Base is equipped with an international store and mini NEX, post office, bank, hardware store, barber/salon, library, thrift store, garage, gas station, music club, café, flower store, car rental office, pool and gym facilities. 



The American support site is located at Gricignano and can be accessed by CF members and their families. It takes approximately 30 minutes by car to reach the site from the JFC base. The complex includes the hospital facility, schools, as well as various amenities including a movie theatre, shopping complex, grocery store, travel agency, insurance company, car rental, barber/salon, play structures and a pool.



Carney Park is a US Navy outdoor recreation centre that is available to NATO members through paid membership. The park runs on an annual schedule (March-February). The cost for an individual pass is $125.00US and $350.00US for a family pass. The park includes a golf course, pool with a waterslide, play structures, sports fields, and camping facilities. There are walking trails, various activities, and equipment rentals available as well as a small dog park.  

Health Services for Military Families in Napoli

  • Standard Of Care
    The Canadian Forces have a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the American Forces for health care in Naples and is therefore of high quality.
  • Access To Services
    Upon arriving in Naples, you should go to the US Naval Hospital on the Gricignano support site to register your family for health services. You will be given a four-digit number, usually the birth month and date of the Forces member, which you will be asked to provide, along with your NATO ID card, in order to receive health services and appointments at the American health facility.
    To make an appointment with a doctor, for annual check-ups or illness, call 081 811 6273. Pediatricians are available for children. You can request a specific doctor, and the American system does favor continued care with the same medical provider throughout your stay in Naples.
    The US Naval Hospital emergency room is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for emergency medical care. It is fully staffed with emergency doctors, nurses and triage staff. The care in the emergency room is fast and thoughtful. You may also need to visit an Italian hospital located closer to your home. It is advisable that you determine your closest facility in case of emergency. All emergency rooms will accept you as a patient. You may wish to get in touch with an Italian-English speaker to help you communicate with staff in an emergency room. In case of emergency, dial 118 for ambulance in Europe.
  • Payment
    Care received at the US Naval Hospital (including dental, pharmacy, labs, immunization) will be billed directly to the Canadian Forces member through the NATO mail system. Costs can then be claimed through SunLife (Outside Canada form)  and Great West Life.
  • Pharmacy
    If issued a prescription by an American physician, the prescription will be electronically communicated to the pharmacy within the support site health care facility. Go to the pharmacy, located in the center of the ground floor of the health care building, and check in for your prescriptions. It takes just a few minutes to prepare, and all pharmaceutical services and consultations are the same as in Canada.
    On the economy, pharmacies or farmacias are easy to find. They are usually indicated with a green cross above the door.
    Usually you have to push a button to be admitted to the store, for security reasons. Pharmacies sell prescription medications, “over the counter” medications like cough syrup, oral care products, sunscreen, and baby items. While not open on Sundays, some commonly requested “over the counter” contraceptives, feminine products and baby items may be available from a vending machine outside the pharmacy.
  • Dental
    Dental services may be available at the Naval hospital at Gricignano. However, American active members are the priority for dental care and so NATO members and their dependents may find it difficult to get an appointment. The status can and does change, so keep trying for an appointment. At time of writing, Canadians have to call for a dental appointment daily, with the possibility of getting in on a cancellation. If you know  a couple of days ahead that you will be on the support site, you can call and ask whether you can see a dentist. Call 081 811 6007/6008 for appointments.
    For dental services you must begin by seeing a dentist for a check-up. At that time you will be given x-rays and a dentist will consult with you. S/he will then recommend your follow-up treatments (ie. Hygienist, etc.).
  • Specialists
    Other medical services are available from the US Naval Hospital, including orthopedics, an immunization clinic for which you do not require an appointment, physiotherapy, obstetrical/gynecological clinic, mental health services, radiology, well baby clinic, surgical unit, and laboratory. You may be referred to an Italian specialist for some specialties.
    There are English-speaking opticians on site at JFC and the Gricignano support site.