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  • Kathleen Sweeney

    Kathleen Sweeney

    Community Services Manager View Bio
    Kathleen Sweeney

    Kathleen Sweeney

    Community Services Manager

    Kathleen oversees the day to day operations and administration of MFS(E) for Naples and remotely located families. Her priorities include working with the local Commanding Officer and to continually evaluate and deliver programs that meet the needs of all the targeted groups that the MFS(E) serves. Kathleen works closely with the Community Services Providers to understand the needs of the community and to incorporate suggestions for improved program and service offerings.

  • Judy Severini

    Judy Severini

    Community Services Provider View Bio
    Judy Severini

    Judy Severini

    Community Services Provider

    [email protected]

    Judy is responsible for development, implementation and improvement of adult programming, sourcing second languages services and providing support to the French community of Naples while providing valuable information to support families and ensure successful community integration. Judy also plays a key role in providing support to remotely located families in Poggio, Sigonella and Rome.

  • Marie-Eve Chainey

    Marie-Eve Chainey

    PSP Coordinator View Bio
    Marie-Eve Chainey

    Marie-Eve Chainey

    PSP Coordinator
    [email protected]

    Marie-Eve, in her role as PSP Coordinator provides recreation services and support to the CAF and Canadians Residing in Naples (CARIN) Unit Fund members. The PSP Coordinator is responsible for the gym and travel library, and the sport and recreation equipment (inventoried on the Distribution Account), all located at Villa Maple Leaf.